
DOCX格式 | 437KB | 更新于2024-03-07 | 187 浏览量 | 0 下载量 举报
本文介绍了利用Matlab实现数字FIR的高通、带通、低通、带阻滤波器的解析方法。首先,通过汉宁窗设计Ⅰ型数字高通滤波器,计算过渡带宽度、滤波器长度、截止频率等参数。接着,利用理想低通滤波器的截止频率和汉宁窗计算得到实际的单位脉冲响应,并通过频率响应计算实际通带纹波和阻带纹波。最后,通过绘图展示理想单位脉冲响应、汉宁窗、实际单位脉冲响应以及实际滤波器的幅度响应。通过本文的描述和分析,读者可以了解如何利用Matlab实现数字FIR的高通、带通、低通、带阻滤波器的解析方法。 Overall, the article provides a detailed explanation of the analytical implementation of digital FIR high-pass, band-pass, low-pass, and band-stop filters using Matlab. It includes the process of designing a Type I digital high-pass filter using the Hanning window method and calculating parameters such as transition band width, filter length, and cutoff frequency. Additionally, it explains the computation of the actual unit impulse response, passband ripple, and stopband ripple through frequency response analysis. The article concludes with graphical representations of the ideal unit impulse response, Hanning window, actual unit impulse response, and the actual filter's magnitude response. Through this comprehensive discussion and analysis, readers can gain a thorough understanding of how to utilize Matlab for the analytical implementation of digital FIR high-pass, band-pass, low-pass, and band-stop filters.
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