Humanity is driven by the quest to know
about the world around us, an endeavor of
immeasurable value to our species. Ages-old
questions and investigations earned us the
revelations that the “wanderers” in the night
sky are other worlds and the stars are Suns
swirling in a vast galaxy, itself one of a myri-
ad of islands in an expanding cosmos. Now
we have crossed another threshold of discov-
ery: there are planets around other stars (e.g.,
Mayor & Queloz 1995). At this key point in
human history, tracing a path from the dawn
of the universe to life-bearing worlds is with-
in our grasp.
This monumental objective demands
powerful and flexible new tools, and differ-
ent ways of combining scientific skills. The
abundance and diversity of worlds is far
greater than imagined (e.g., Winn & Fabrycky
2015), but the vast majority of known exo-
planets are “small black shadows” indirectly
detected through their effects on their host
stars. Our knowledge of exoplanet properties
is largely limited to orbits, masses, and sizes.
Astronomers have just begun to measure the
atmospheres of giant exoplanets; such stud-
ies will greatly expand in the coming years.
The next frontier is to extend characterization capabilities to rocky planets and find the
“pale blue dots” in the solar neighborhood (Figure 1-1). With a large enough sample size,
scientists can determine whether habitable, Earth-like conditions are rare or common on
nearby worlds and then probe them for signs of life. Focusing on the planetary systems
most like the solar system, those with Earth-size exoplanets orbiting Sun-like stars, increases
the chances of finding and recognizing biosignatures. Concurrently, we will nurture a new
discipline—comparative exoplanetology—by studying a huge range of exoplanets, thereby
gaining invaluable information for placing our own system in a broader context. A vital part
of establishing that context is deeper understanding of the bodies within the solar system.
Our drive to know goes beyond asking the question “what exists?” to “why does it exist?”
and pushes us to understand the origins of all we see around us. The boundary of what we
can see now stretches all the way to the dawn of the universe, but like our first steps in the
study of new worlds, our current view lacks completeness, precision, and context. We seek
to understand the processes and environments that gave rise to a life-supporting universe:
from the formation of the earliest structures, to the assembly and evolution of galaxies, to the
Figure 1-1. Imaging another Earth. Simulation
of the inner solar system in visible light viewed
from a distance of 12.5 parsec with the 15-m
LUVOIR-A space telescope concept. The enor-
mous glare from the central star has been sup-
pressed with a coronagraph so the faint planets
can be seen. Each planet’s atmosphere can be
probed with direct spectra to reveal its com-
position. The simulation assumes realistic noise
sources, wavefront errors, and post-processing.
Credit: R. Juanola Parramon, N. Zimmerman, A.
Roberge (NASA GSFC)
The Large UV Optical Infrared Surveyor LUVOIR
The LUVOIR Final Report 1-1