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The "Single-chip humidity controller based on 51 single-chip microcomputer graduation design.doc" is a project that utilizes the AT89C51 as the control system. The system collects humidity signals from a simulated sensor and sends them to the ADC0804 to be converted into digital signals. These digital signals are then sent to the single-chip microcomputer and displayed on the LCD1602. Additionally, the system allows for independent keyboard input of humidity upper and lower limit values. When the humidity falls below the lower limit or exceeds the upper limit, the system drives a buzzer alarm and controls the circuit for humidity control. Once the humidity returns to within the set limits, the alarm is deactivated, and humidity control stops. The system also features real-time refreshing of current humidity and limit values, making it suitable for use in greenhouses, flower cultivation, and home humidity detection and control.
In the context of the system's development, industrial automation has become a crucial indicator of modernization across various industries. The field of control theory has also gone through three stages of development: classical control theory, modern control theory, and intelligent control theory. Intelligent control is exemplified by products such as fuzzy fully automatic washing machines.
Keywords: AT89C51, LCD1602, ADC0804, humidity control and detection.
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