
0 下载量 75 浏览量 更新于2024-03-11 收藏 220KB DOC 举报
Based on the document "Based on JSP Book Management System - Backend Management 1 Graduation Design.doc", the development of computer knowledge and proficiency is an important aspect in nurturing new talents due to the rapid development of the Internet. Java is one of the most dynamic programming languages. As a programming language, Java is distributed, object-oriented, and not dependent on machine architecture. Its greatest success lies in its platform independence and strong network programming capabilities. The library management system is adapting to the fast-paced life of today's society. Developed based on JSP, it caters to both administrators and students. This paper provides a detailed introduction to the library management system from its current status and feasibility to database design, and implementation of various functional modules. The system is developed using MyEclipse as the development tool, MySQL as the database development platform, and Tomcat as the application server, utilizing JSP technology. The system mainly consists of two roles: students and administrators. For students, the system enables functionalities such as logging in, searching for books, viewing borrowing records, and exiting the system. For administrators, it supports functions like logging in, student management, book management, borrowing management, returning management, and exiting the system. Keywords: library management, Java, JSP"