Physics Letters B 797 (2019) 134928
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Physics Letters B
Enhancing CP measurement of the Yukawa interactions of top-quark
at e
Kai Ma
School of Physics Science, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, Shaanxi, China
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
18 May 2019
in revised form 15 August 2019
6 September 2019
online 11 September 2019
G.F. Giudice
It is well known that CP-violating coupling of the Yukawa interaction of top-quark is a promising
candidate of a new source of CP violation effect. Precisely measurement of its CP properties is crucial for
understanding new physics above the electroweak scale. In this paper, we introduce a complete analysis
method for probing CP violation effects in the associated production of top-quark pair and Higgs boson
at e
collider. Reconstructions of the top-quarks are not needed in our strategy. The observables are
defined based on spin correlation effects of the leptons emerging from decays of top-quarks, and their
formal expressions are universal at any reference frames. Two reference frames, the rest frame of the
top-quark pair and the rest frame of Higgs boson, are examined. Importantly, large enhancement effects
for both CP-odd and CP-even observables are observed in the rest frame of Higgs boson. This can be
essential for probing CP violation effects at future e
© 2019 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( Funded by SCOAP
After the long waited era in the elementary particle physics,
a scalar particle with mass ∼ 125 GeV [1]was discovered at LHC
in 2012 [2,3]. However, our knowledge about its physical proper-
can not be less any more to make a judgment that it is really
the Higgs boson who spontaneously breaks the electroweak vac-
and gives masses to the observed vector bosons and fermions,
because so far its self-coupling which is responsible for the sym-
breaking has not been measured [4]. On the other hand,
theoretical extensions of the Standard Model (SM) always possess
more than one Higgs doublet, and hence more scalar particles
with either heavier or lighter masses, but having CP quantum
numbers different from the SM prediction, J
= 0
, are pre-
Therefore, the observed mass eigenstate h(125) (we will
use this notation in the rest of this paper) can be potentially a
mixture of the CP eigenstates. As a natural expectation that the
Higgs boson predicted by the SM is at least the dominant compo-
of the observed scalar particle h(125), decisive measurement
on the CP violation effect, which is a promising potential source
of the observed asymmetry between matter and anti-matter in
our universe [5–7], is important and urgent for understanding the
physics above electroweak scale. However, it is challenging in prac-
tice [8].
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Without loss of generality, we can assume that h(125) is a su-
of CP-even eigenstate H and CP-odd eigenstate A,
h = H cos ξ + A sin ξ, (1)
where ξ is the Higgs mixing angle that has been assumed to be
real. The story is further complicated by the couplings of H and
A to the observed vector bosons and fermions because what we
measure are usually combinations of those couplings and the mix-
angle ξ . Therefore, in general, channel by channel studies on
the CP violation effects related to h(125) is unavoidable.
after h(125) was observed, its CP property was stud-
through h → ZZ → 4 by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations
[9–11], and the results disfavor the CP-odd hypothesis by nearly
3σ , which is a rather weak constraint on the mixing angle due
to the complexity mentioned above. On the other hand, while
couplings usually appear at tree level, the AV V
are only loop induced, and hence CP violation is heavily
suppressed [12–15]. This drawback absents, theoretically, in the
couplings of H and A to the fermions, where both types of inter-
can happen at tree level and hence are promising probes of
CP violation effects [16]. Recently, the decay of h(125) to τ -lepton
pair channel was analyzed by the ATLAS and CMS collabora-
tions [17,18],
and the bound is again rather weak. The optimization
method proposed in Ref. [8]is expected to enhance the sensi-
to a promising level. However, the precision is still limited
© 2019 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Funded by