JNA 5.6.0 中文文档包使用指南及依赖集成

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资源摘要信息:"jna-5.6.0.jar中文文档.zip" 文档概览: 本文档为jna-5.6.0.jar的中文版开发和使用指南,涵盖了jna(Java Native Access)的API文档、下载链接以及Maven和Gradle项目配置方式。jna是一个Java库,用于提供Java代码对本地库的访问能力,使得Java程序可以直接调用动态链接库(DLL)或共享对象(SO)中的函数,无需复杂的JNI编程。 核心知识点: 1. **Java Native Access (JNA) 简述**: JNA是一个开源库,允许Java代码透明地访问本地C/C++库而不需要编写JNI代码。这样可以极大简化本地代码接口的调用过程。 2. **Maven依赖配置**: Maven是一个项目管理和构建自动化工具,通过在项目的pom.xml文件中加入特定依赖,可以轻松引入jna库到Java项目中。示例如下: ``` <dependency> <groupId>net.java.dev.jna</groupId> <artifactId>jna</artifactId> <version>5.6.0</version> </dependency> ``` 这段代码会告知Maven从中央仓库下载jna版本为5.6.0的jar包。 3. **Gradle依赖配置**: Gradle是一种自动化构建工具,支持多项目构建和持续集成。要在Gradle项目中配置jna依赖,可以在build.gradle文件中添加如下代码: ``` implementation group: 'net.java.dev.jna', name: 'jna', version: '5.6.0' ``` 或者使用简写形式: ``` implementation 'net.java.dev.jna:jna:5.6.0' ``` Gradle (Kotlin) 也提供了相似的配置方式: ``` implementation("net.java.dev.jna:jna:5.6.0") ``` 4. **jna包内主要Java package**: jna库主要包含以下几个package: - com.sun.jna: 这是JNA的核心包,包含了与本地库通信的接口和基础类。 - com.sun.jna.internal: 这个包包含了一些内部类和方法,供JNA在运行时使用。 - com.sun.jna.platform: 此包提供了与不同平台相关的工具和类。 5. **jna包内主要Java类**: 下面列举几个jna包中主要的类,以说明其使用的接口: - com.sun.jna.AltCallingConvention: 提供了一种备选调用约定的实现。 - com.sun.jna.Callback: 这是所有回调接口的基类,可以用于接收本地方法的回调。 - com.sun.jna.Callback.UncaughtExceptionHandler: 定义了对未捕获异常的处理策略。 6. **API文档**: jna的API文档详细记录了各个package和class的方法、属性和使用示例,是开发者在使用jna库时的重要参考。开发者应当通过解压【jna-5.6.0-javadoc-API文档-中文(简体)版.zip】文件,并在浏览器中打开【index.html】文件来查看这些文档。 7. **下载与部署**: 该文档还提供了jna-5.6.0.jar文件的下载链接,包括官方地址和国内镜像地址,以便用户可以根据所在地理位置快速下载。同时,如果需要源代码,也提供了【jna-5.6.0-sources.jar】的下载信息。 使用提示: - 在解压【jna-5.6.0.jar中文文档.zip】文件时,应选择“解压到当前文件夹”,以避免文件路径过长导致浏览器无法打开【index.html】。 - 当需要下载多个jar包时,要确保当前下载的是所需版本的jna库,避免版本混淆。 注意事项: - 本文档为人性化翻译,翻译了注释、说明、描述和用法讲解等部分,以方便中文用户理解。 - 原始类名、方法名、包名、类型和关键字等未被翻译,保持原样,以符合Java编程的规范和一致性。 附加信息: - jna-5.6.0.jar中文文档.zip: 包含了完整的中文版API文档和相关配置文件。 - 使用jna-5.6.0.jar时,需要依赖于相应版本的本地库,这通常意味着需要在系统中安装特定的本地库文件,并确保Java应用程序能够访问这些文件。 通过以上内容的详细介绍,开发者应能够掌握如何下载、配置和使用jna库,以及如何通过提供的中文文档深入学习和解决开发过程中遇到的问题。
2016-08-29 上传
Features Automatic mapping from Java to native functions, with simple mappings for all primitive data types Runs on most platforms which support Java Automatic conversion between C and Java strings, with customizable encoding/decoding Structure and Union arguments/return values, by reference and by value Function Pointers, (callbacks from native code to Java) as arguments and/or members of a struct Auto-generated Java proxies for native function pointers By-reference (pointer-to-type) arguments Java array and NIO Buffer arguments (primitive types and pointers) as pointer-to-buffer Nested structures and arrays Wide (wchar_t-based) strings Native long support (32- or 64-bit as appropriate) Demo applications/examples Supported on 1.4 or later JVMs, including JavaME (earlier VMs may work with stubbed NIO support) Customizable marshalling/unmarshalling (argument and return value conversions) Customizable mapping from Java method to native function name, and customizable invocation to simulate C preprocessor function macros Support for automatic Windows ASCII/UNICODE function mappings Varargs support Type-safety for native pointers VM crash protection (optional) Optimized direct mapping for high-performance applications. COM support for early and late binding. COM/Typelib java code generator. Community and Support All questions should be posted to the jna-users Google group. Issues can be submitted here on Github. When posting to the mailing list, please include the following: What OS/CPU/architecture you're using (e.g. Windows 7 64-bit) Reference to your native interface definitions (i.e. C headers), if available The JNA mapping you're trying to use VM crash logs, if any Example native usage, and your attempted Java usage It's nearly impossible to indicate proper Java usage when there's no native reference to work from. For commercial support, please contact twalljava [at] java [dot] net. Using the Library Getting Started Functional Description. Mapping between Java and Native Using Pointers and Arrays Using Structures and Unions Using By-Reference Arguments Customization of Type Mapping Callbacks/Function Pointers/Closures Dynamically Typed Languages (JRuby/Jython) Platform Library Direct Method Mapping (Optimization) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Avoiding Crashes Primary Documentation (JavaDoc) The definitive JNA reference is in the JavaDoc. Developers Contributing to JNA Setting up a Windows Development Environment Setting up an Android Development Environment Setting up a RaspberryPi Development Environment Setting up a Mac Development Environment Releasing JNA Publishing to Maven Central Contributing You're encouraged to contribute to JNA. Fork the code from https://github.com/java-native-access/jna and submit pull requests. For more information on setting up a development environment see Contributing to JNA. If you are interested in paid support, feel free to say so on the jna-users mailing list. Most simple questions will be answered on the list, but more complicated work, new features or target platforms can be negotiated with any of the JNA developers (this is how several of JNA's features came into being). You may even encounter other users with the same need and be able to cost share the new development. License This library is licensed under the LGPL, version 2.1 or later, and (from version 4.0 onward) the Apache Software License, version 2.0. Commercial license arrangements are negotiable. NOTE: Oracle is not sponsoring this project, even though the package name (com.sun.jna) might imply otherwise.