精通Spring MVC:构建健壮的Web应用

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"《精通Spring MVC》是一本详细介绍Spring MVC框架的专业书籍,由Marten Deinum、Koen Serneels、Colin Yates、Seth Ladd和Christophe Vanfleteren共同撰写,Spring WebFlow项目的创始人Erwin Vervaet作序。这本书共有590页,并附带所有源代码下载,旨在帮助读者深入理解并熟练掌握Spring MVC框架,同时也涉及到了Web Flow的相关内容。" Spring MVC是Spring框架的一个核心模块,专门用于构建Web应用程序的模型-视图-控制器(MVC)架构。它以其灵活性、高效性和易于配置而受到开发者的广泛欢迎,特别是在Struts2框架出现安全问题后,Spring MVC成为了许多开发团队的首选。 书中详细介绍了Spring MVC的各个关键组件和工作原理,包括DispatcherServlet的职责、ModelAndView对象的使用、控制器的实现方式(如Controller接口和@Controller注解)、视图解析器的配置、数据绑定和验证机制、国际化与主题支持等。此外,Spring MVC还支持RESTful Web服务的开发,使得构建基于HTTP的API变得简单。 Web Flow是Spring框架的一个扩展,专注于管理用户交互流程。它允许开发者定义和控制用户在应用中的导航路径,支持状态管理和回退功能。通过Web Flow,可以创建复杂的动态页面交互,而不仅仅是简单的请求-响应模式。书中会讲解如何集成Spring MVC与Web Flow,以及如何定义和管理Web Flow状态,包括转换和动作、事件处理、视图状态等。 除了理论知识,作者们还提供了大量实际案例和最佳实践,帮助读者将所学应用于实际项目。这包括如何利用Spring的依赖注入(DI)和面向切面编程(AOP)来简化代码,以及如何使用Spring的测试框架进行单元测试和集成测试。 《精通Spring MVC》是学习和提升Spring MVC技能的宝贵资源,尽管是英文版,但借助翻译工具和自身的编程经验,读者完全能够理解和应用书中的知识,提升Web应用开发的能力。
2014-06-16 上传
Pro Spring MVC provides in-depth coverage of Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow, two highly customizable and powerful web frameworks brought to you by the developers and community of the Spring Framework. Spring MVC is a modern web application framework built upon the Spring Framework, and Spring Web Flow is a project that complements Spring MVC for building reusable web controller modules that encapsulate rich page navigation rules. Along with detailed analysis of the code and functionality, plus the first published coverage of Spring Web Flow 2.x, this book includes numerous tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, and web development in general. Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow have been upgraded in the new Spring Framework 3.1 and are engineered with important considerations for design patterns and expert object-oriented programming techniques. This book explains not only the design decisions of the frameworks, but also how you can apply similar designs and techniques to your own code. This book takes great care in covering every inch of Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow to give you the complete picture. Along with all the best known features of these frameworks, you'll discover some new hidden treasures. You'll also learn how to correctly and safely extend the frameworks to create customized solutions. This bookis for anyone who wishes to write robust, modern, and useful web applications with the Spring Framework. What you'll learn Key Spring Framework fundamentals How to use the Spring MVC architecture How to develop with the DispatcherServlet How to write Controllers How to work with Resolving and Implementing Views What are the supported View Types How to customize your website What isand how to use the Spring Web Flow framework How to test your Spring MVC applications How to implement Spring Security Who this book is for This book is for Spring or Java EE application developers who want to learn and fully leverage Spring's Web-tier creator and framework, Spring MVC. This book is also for experienced enterprise and Java programmers who are new to the Spring Framework. Table of Contents Configuring a Spring Development Environment Spring Framework Fundamentals Web Application Architecture Spring MVC Architecture Implementing Controllers Implementing Controllers Advanced REST and AJAX Resolving and Implementing Views Testing Spring MVC Applications Spring Web Flow Building Applications with Spring Web Flow Advanced Spring Web Flow Spring Security Cloud Foundry - Deploying to the Cloud http://item.jd.com/1135750085.html