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ational summary:
The QFD quality function deployment (QFD) is a powerful tool used in the field of quality management to ensure that customer needs and preferences are met in the design and development of products and services. The process involves identifying customer requirements and translating them into specific technical requirements to guide the design and production process.
The QFD process begins with gathering customer feedback and using it to create a "house of quality" matrix, which maps the relationship between customer requirements and technical specifications. This matrix serves as a roadmap for product development, guiding decisions on design, features, and performance.
In the "QFD质量功能展开PPT学习教案.pptx" presentation, various aspects of QFD are explained in detail. The presentation covers the basic concepts of QFD, the steps involved in the process, and how to create a house of quality matrix. It also includes practical examples and case studies to illustrate how QFD can be applied in real-world scenarios.
Overall, the QFD process is a valuable tool for ensuring customer satisfaction and improving product quality. By systematically linking customer requirements with technical specifications, organizations can design products and services that meet customer expectations and achieve success in the marketplace.
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