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"《Professional Python》是一本专为有经验的Python程序员设计的书籍,旨在深入探讨Python语言的高级特性和最佳实践。本书涵盖了函数、类、元编程等多个关键领域,帮助读者提升Python编程的专业技能。 Part I: 函数 在第1章“装饰器”中,作者详细介绍了装饰器这一Python中的重要概念。装饰器允许程序员在不修改原始代码的情况下,增强或修改函数的行为。读者将学习装饰器的基本语法,它们在代码中的常见用途,以及何时应该编写自己的装饰器。此外,章节还涉及如何装饰类以及类型切换。 第2章“上下文管理器”讲解了Python中的上下文管理协议,这是处理资源分配和释放的关键工具。通过上下文管理器的语法,读者可以了解如何确保代码块执行完毕后正确关闭文件、释放网络连接等。本章还会讨论一种更简洁的语法,并指出何时应编写自定义的上下文管理器。 第3章“生成器”深入解析了Python的生成器功能。生成器允许实现高效的迭代,同时延迟计算和节省内存。章节涵盖生成器的基本概念、语法以及如何与生成器进行通信。还讨论了可迭代对象与迭代器的区别,标准库中的生成器用法,何时应该写生成器,以及关于生成器单例性的讨论。 Part II: 类 第4章“魔术方法”详细介绍了Python中的特殊方法,如`__init__`、`__str__`等,这些方法在创建自定义类型时起着关键作用。读者将学习魔术方法的语法,了解可用的魔术方法,以及它们在面向对象编程中的应用。 第5章“元类”引导读者进入Python的元编程世界,元类是控制类行为的一种方式。章节涵盖了元类的基本概念,如何编写元类,以及何时和为什么使用元类。同时,书中还讨论了元类的使用是否应该默认开启的问题。 第6章“类工厂”(部分信息缺失)可能继续探讨类的高级用法,如动态创建类、元编程的进阶技巧等。 《Professional Python》是一本深度探索Python高级特性的实用指南,适合已经熟悉Python基础的开发者进一步提升技能,掌握函数、类和元编程等核心概念的高级用法,从而编写出更加高效、优雅的Python代码。"
2015-12-21 上传
Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Wrox; 1 edition (October 19, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1119070856 ISBN-13: 978-1119070856 Master the secret tools every Python programmer needs to know Professional Python goes beyond the basics to teach beginner- and intermediate-level Python programmers the little-known tools and constructs that build concise, maintainable code. Design better architecture and write easy-to-understand code using highly adoptable techniques that result in more robust and efficient applications. Coverage includes Decorators, Context Managers, Magic Methods, Class Factories, Metaclasses, Regular Expressions, and more, including advanced methods for unit testing using asyncio and CLI tools. Each topic includes an explanation of the concept and a discussion on applications, followed by hands-on tutorials based on real-world scenarios. All sample code is available for download from the companion website, and the "Python 3 first" approach covers multiple current versions, while ensuring long-term relevance. Python offers many tools and techniques for writing better code, but often confusing documentation leaves many programmers in the dark about how to use them. This book shines a light on these incredibly useful methods, giving you clear guidance toward building stronger applications. Learn advanced Python functions, classes, and libraries Utilize better development and testing tools Understand the "what," "when," "why," and "how" Download example code to start programming right away More than just theory or a recipe-style walk-through, this guide helps you learn — and understand — these little-known tools and techniques. You'll streamline your workflow while improving the quality of your output, producing more robust applications with cleaner code and stronger architecture. If you're ready to take your Python skills to the next level, Professional Python is the invaluable guide that will get you there.