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本文描述了一个基于AT89S52单片机的电热培养箱温度控制系统。通过结合增量式PID和PWM脉宽调制技术,实现了温度的精确控制。系统采用了新型的DS18B20单总线数字温度传感器,通过简单的接口电路直接输出数字信号。本系统由核心处理模块、温度采集模块、键盘显示模块和控制执行模块等组成,可以完成温度测量、显示、过热保护报警、手动设置温度和温度智能调节等功能。实验表明,该系统具有较好的控制效果。关键词:温度控制、AT89S52单片机、DS18B20、PID控制、PWM波。 This paper presents a temperature control system for an electric incubator based on the AT89S52 microcontroller. The working principle of the system, hardware circuit, and software design are described. The principles of the digital PID controller and its application in temperature control are discussed, combining the incremental PID and PWM pulse width modulation techniques. Additionally, a new type of DS18B20 single-bus digital temperature sensor is used in this system to measure temperature and perform A/D conversion, simplifying the interface circuit with the microcontroller. The system consists of a core processing module, temperature acquisition module, keyboard display module, and control execution module, which can measure and display temperature inside the incubator, provide overheat protection and alarm, allow manual temperature setting, and implement intelligent temperature regulation. Experimental results show that the system achieves satisfactory control performance. Keywords: temperature control, AT89S52 microcontroller, DS18B20, PID control, PWM wave.