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The chapter on the Wave Nature of Light in the light-electronics course introduces the concept of the refractive index in the context of light traveling from air to glass. The reflection coefficient in this case is determined by the differences in the refractive indices of the two mediums. As an example, the refractive index and group index of pure SiO2 glass are provided as a function of wavelength, ranging from 500nm to 1900nm. The relationship between wavelength and refractive index shows a linear increase, indicating the material's specific properties for different wavelengths.
Furthermore, the concept of group and phase velocity is explored in the chapter. In a scenario where light is traveling through pure SiO2 glass with a wavelength of 1um and a refractive index of 1.450, calculations for phase velocity, group index (Ng), and group velocity (Vg) are performed. The phase velocity is determined using the given wavelength and refractive index, while the group index and group velocity are calculated based on these values.
Overall, the chapter delves into the intricate details of light behavior in different mediums, highlighting the importance of refractive indices and their impact on light reflection and transmission. The relationship between wavelength and refractive index provides valuable insights into the unique characteristics of certain materials, such as pure SiO2 glass. Additionally, the concept of group and phase velocity elucidates how light propagation can vary based on the medium and its specific properties. Through these discussions, students gain a deeper understanding of the wave nature of light and its implications in the field of light-electronics.
2021-09-30 上传
2021-10-07 上传
2021-11-06 上传
2021-10-02 上传
2022-01-14 上传

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