
5星 · 超过95%的资源 1 下载量 189 浏览量 更新于2024-04-03 1 收藏 295KB DOC 举报
"Based on Java, the bank teller performance evaluation system design and implementation" is a comprehensive document that highlights the importance of information in today's information society. Information is considered one of the three pillars of society and scientific and technological development, alongside materials and energy. It serves as the foundation for management and decision-making in organizations, playing a crucial role as the fourth form of energy beyond human, material, and financial resources. The performance evaluation management system discussed in the document utilizes IT technology to manage performance evaluation information. It is designed to collect and store performance evaluation records, provide interfaces for updating and retrieving performance evaluation information, and enhance work efficiency. The system is programmed using JSP as the primary coding language. The paper covers the development background, functions to be completed, and the development process of the project. It emphasizes the key points of system design, design concepts, challenging technologies, and solutions. The focus is on performance evaluation, management, system development, and the use of technology to streamline and optimize the evaluation process. The document serves as a valuable resource for understanding and implementing performance evaluation systems in the banking industry. Keywords: performance evaluation, management, system, development."
2021-09-11 上传
业务绩效考核系统主要目的是使绩效考核信息管理清晰化,基本功能包括:权限处理模块、输入模块、处理模块、统计输出模块、维护模块等。本系统结构如下: 系统功能模块: 1.权限处理模块:管理员与普通柜员,管理员进入的是管理员页面,普通柜员进入普通柜员的界面。 2.输入模块 2.1 普通柜员用户注册:普通柜员通过输入用户名(工号即用户名),名字,密码进行注册,获得进入本系统权限。 2.2 柜员选择柜员身份登入:柜员进入后可以查看本人工作情况的信息。 2.3 管理员界面:登入后,记录柜员工作情况:输入柜员工号,柜员名字,记录业务笔数,最后一栏并记录柜员员工加减分情况(笔数处于10的整数部分为加减分情况,以10分为上限)。除此之外,管理员还能对普通柜员的权限进行修改,删除不必要的用户。 2.4 对管理员输入数据进行处理:比如工号只能为7位,开头必须是882;加分减分的值不能大于10等等。 3.处理模块 3.1 查询:输入柜员工号,可以查询到该柜员的工作情况以及加分减分情况及薪酬情况;按日期查询,可以查询到该日期本合作银行每位柜员的工作情况及加减分情况。 3.2 薪酬查询:柜员薪酬计算应计算考核薪酬除以10分为标准分值,考核实际得分乘以分值为可兑现年薪(总行班子成员18000元/季、中层正职12000元/季、中层副职9000元/季、员工6000元/季、短期合同工(三年以下)1500元/季。) 月总分/月天数/10*薪酬标准 4.统计输出模块:比如可以统计本合作银行业务笔数由多到少排名,加减分情况排名。 5.维护模块:对系统进行维护,定期对数据进行备份,对历史数据库进行备份,对密码口令进行维护