"Protel 99 SE电路板设计基础与操作详解"

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The 3rd chapter of computer electronic CAD technology focuses on circuit board design. It introduces the principles and methods of circuit board design, as well as the design environment, objects, operations, and management tools involved in the process. The chapter starts by emphasizing the importance of designing a circuit diagram as a foundation for circuit board design. Circuit boards are essential components in electronic products, serving as a platform for soldering and installing components. Designing circuit boards is a complex task, requiring modern electronics system designers to utilize software for efficient design. The chapter specifically explores the use of Protel 99 SE for circuit board design. The principles and methods of circuit board design emphasize the importance of proper planning and organization to ensure the functionality and efficiency of the final product. The chapter discusses the various tools and techniques involved in designing circuit boards, including defining the board, using guided wizards, and placing design objects. Overall, the chapter provides a comprehensive overview of circuit board design, highlighting the key considerations and techniques required for successful implementation. By mastering the concepts and tools presented in this chapter, designers can effectively create high-quality circuit boards for electronic systems.