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管理学原理管理理论发展PPT学习教案.pptx是一份介绍古典管理理论的教学材料,其中详细讨论了科学管理理论和一般管理理论。在科学管理理论部分,介绍了代表人物泰勒(Frederick W. Taylor)以及他的代表作《科学管理原理》。泰勒被称为“科学管理理论之父”,他提出了工作定额原理、新的奖励制度、职能工长制等重要内容,强调了例外管理和大饼原理。而在一般管理理论部分,介绍了代表人物亨利·法约尔(Henri Fayol)和他的代表作《工业管理与一般管理》。法约尔被称为“经营管理之父”,他概括了企业活动的技术、商业、财务、安全、会计和管理方面,阐述了管理职能包括计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制,提出了管理的十四项原则和法约尔跳板原理。 总的来说,古典管理理论的发展为管理学的发展做出了重要贡献,科学管理理论和一般管理理论成为管理学历史上的经典,为企业管理实践提供了重要的理论基础。这些管理理论不仅在20世纪产生了深远影响,也对当今的管理实践仍具有启示意义,值得我们深入学习和研究。Management principles and theories of management development PPT study lesson.pptx; Principles of management and development of management theories PPT study lesson.pptx; Accounting management principles and theories of management development Chapter 1 Classical management theory 1, Scientific management theory 2, General management theory 3, Administrative organization theory 4, Systematization of classical theory Page 1/24 Page 1/24 I. Scientific management theory 1. Representative figures Taylor (Frederick W. Taylor) (1856-1915) known as the "father of scientific management theory" Representative works: "Principles of Scientific Management" (1911) 2. Important content of scientific management theory 1. Work quota principle (basis of quota system) 2. Implementation of new reward system 3. Functional foreman system 4. Set up the planning layer and implement the functional system 5. Implementing "exception management" 6. "Big cake principle" page 2/24 II. General management theory 1. Representative figures Henri Fayol (Henri Fayol) (1841-1925) known as the "father of management" Representative works: "Industrial Management and General Management" (1925) 2. Main content of general management theory 1. Generalized enterprise activities Technical, commercial, financial, safety, accounting and management 2. Management functions: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling 3. Fourteen principles of management 4. The principle of "Fayol stepping stone" Parallel two departments occur;"...