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"STM32 在电机控制中的应用主要聚焦于其在无刷电机(BLDC 和 PMSM)控制中的优势,以及通过 STM32 的高级定时器 TIM1 实现高精度 PWM 调制,支持传感器和无传感器方案。" STM32 是一款基于 ARM Cortex-M3 内核的 32 位微控制器,因其强大的外设和丰富的功能,尤其适合用于电机控制领域。在无刷直流电机(BLDC)和永磁同步电机(PMSM)的控制中,STM32 可以实现磁场定向控制(FOC,Field Oriented Control),这是一种先进的矢量控制技术,能够显著提升电机的效率和动态响应。 STM32 提供了面向不同级别的应用解决方案,包括带有传感器的控制方案和无传感器方案。对于无传感器控制,STM32 利用其内置的硬件功能,如高级定时器TIM1,可以实现精确的电机位置和速度检测,从而减少外部传感器的成本并提高系统的可靠性。 TIM1 是 STM32 中的一个高级定时器,具有16位预分频器、16位计数器和多个捕获比较通道。它支持高达72MHz的时钟频率,这使得计时精度可以达到13.8ns。TIM1 支持边沿和中心对称模式,并在PWM计数器上溢时生成更新事件,以提高占空比的精度。此外,它还包含一个重复计数器(REP),可以在特定条件下多次触发更新事件,这对于实现复杂的PWM调制策略是至关重要的。 在实际应用中,开发者可以利用 STM32 的 StarterKit 快速搭建演示和开发平台,能在数周内实现电机控制项目的原型验证。通过 TIM1 的中断和DMA功能,可以有效地处理电机控制过程中产生的实时数据,确保系统的高效运行。 STM32 在马达控制领域的广泛应用得益于其高性能、低功耗的特性,以及强大的生态支持。大中华区的 MCU 技术支持中心提供全方位的技术服务,帮助开发者解决在设计和实施过程中遇到的问题。通过深入理解和熟练运用 STM32 的这些特性,可以构建出性能优异、稳定可靠的电机控制系统。
2019-10-01 上传
This manual describes the X-CUBE-MCSDK and X-CUBE-MCSDK-FUL STM32 motor control software development kits (SDKs) designed for, and to be used with, STM32 microcontrollers. The SDKs contain a software library that implements the field oriented control (FOC) drive of 3-phase permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs), both surface mounted (SMPMSM) and interior (I-PMSM). The STM32 family of 32-bit Flash microcontrollers is specifically developed for embedded applications. It is based on the following ARM® Cortex®-M cores: the Cortex®-M0 for the STM32F0, the Cortex®-M3 for the STM32F1 and STM32F2, and the Cortex®-M4 for the STM32F3, STM32F4 and STM32L4, and the Cortex®-M7 for the STM32F7. These microcontrollers combine high performance with first-class peripherals that make them suitable for performing three-phase motor FOC. The PMSM FOC library can be used to quickly evaluate ST microcontrollers, to complete ST application platforms, and to save time when developing motor control algorithms to be run on ST microcontrollers. It is written in the C language, and implements the core motor control algorithms, as well as sensor reading/decoding algorithms and sensor-less algorithms for rotor position reconstruction. This library can be easily configured to make use of the STM32F30x's embedded advanced analog peripherals (fast comparators and programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs)) for current sensing and protection, thus simplifying application boards. When deployed with the STM32F103 (Flash memory from 256 Kbytes to 1Mbyte), STM32F303 or STM32F4 devices, the library allows two motors to be driven simultaneously. The library can be customized to suit user application parameters (motor, sensors, power stage, control stage, pin-out assignment) and provides a ready-to-use application programming interface (API). A PC graphical user interface (GUI), the ST motor control workbench, allows complete and easy customization of the PMSM FOC library. Thanks to this, the user can run a PMSM motor in a very short time. A set of ready-to-use examples is provided to explain the use of the motor control API and its most commonly used features. These projects usually provide a UART interface that allows convenient real-time fine-tuning of the motor control subsystem with a remote control tool, the STM32 motor control monitor. The STM32 motor control SDK is delivered as an expansion pack for the STM32 CubeMX tool, and the PMSM FOC library is based on the STM32 Cube Firmware libraries. The list of supported STM32 microcontrollers is provided in the release note delivered with the SDK.