Published SFF 8410 Rev 16.1
HSS copper testing and performance requirements Page 16
cause less degradation so that the result at the receiver will still be within
specification. The use of excessively degraded launched signals places unfair
burden on the interconnect. Conversely, if the launched signals are better
than allowed, the interconnect may cause more degradation than allowed for the
interconnect but still deliver compliant signals to the receiver. This
condition permits defective interconnect to be measured as good interconnect.
The way to avoid these risks is to execute an adequate characterization of the
launched signals and to compensate in the test requirements for the amount of
excess goodness or badness in the launched signals. Figure 1 illustrates this
general scheme.
Another risk derives from the fact that some parameters in launched signals can
be corrected by interconnect that introduces degradation of equal and opposite
sign. If this happens it gives a false sense of goodness since launched
signals from other transmitters may have the parameters degraded in the same
sense as the interconnect with a resulting doubling in the negative effects at
the receiver.
In general, if the polarity of connection of the interconnect to the launched
signals is reversed then the polarity of the degradation in the interconnect is
also reversed (for those parameters that are sensitive to polarity, like
balance degradation and near end cross talk). Therefore the second risk can be
managed by performing a second test with reversed connections but changing
nothing else.
In order to avoid this risk one must take two measurements: (1) with the +
signal of the transmitter connected to the + line of the PUT and the - signal
of the transmitter connected to the - line of the PUT and (2) with the + signal
of the transmitter connected to the - line of the PUT and the - signal of the
transmitter connected to the + line of the PUT. Figure 2 illustrates this
Summarizing, the combination of real launched signal properties and
interconnect properties causes additional burden on the testing process. The
compensation for real launched signals is likely to be a one time cost for the
same transmitter. The polarity reversal, however, requires that two
independent tests be executed because one cannot be sure which sense of
degradation is present in the interconnect under test.
During the calibration processes for the tests the properties of launched
signals are measured. Procedures are specified that do not require the
adjustment of the launched signal to the maximum allowed degradation. By
noting how much degradation could be added to the actual launched signal before
exceeding the maximum degradation and adding this difference to the
requirements for the received signals one achieves the equivalent effect as
actually degrading the launched signals as far as measuring the properties of
the interconnect is concerned. Said differently, if the launched signals are
better than allowed (as is usually the case) then the requirements on the
received signals are tightened by the same amount that the launched signals
were better. Similarly, if the launched signals are more degraded than allowed
then the received signal range is broadened.
This process eliminates a major problem with creating calibrated degraded high
frequency signals, uses the linear property of copper interconnect to good
advantage, and allows the properties of the interconnect to be fairly and
accurately measured.