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"C++技术白皮书是一份详尽的IT培训资料,旨在为C++初学者和专业编程人员提供全面的参考资料。这份资料由C++教研组编写,专注于培养在Windows、UNIX、Linux平台上急需的C++软件编程和测试人才。课程设计紧跟企业需求,实时更新,确保学员能够掌握最新的软件开发技能。资料涵盖了C++的基础理论、实践应用、项目实战和就业指导等多个方面,旨在全面提升学员的编程能力和就业竞争力。" 在C++技术白皮书中,课程大纲被划分为三个培养阶段: 第一阶段:C/C++语言基础 这个阶段的目标是使学员扎实掌握C++的基本语法和编程思想。课程内容包括面向过程的编程方法、C语言的基本元素如常量、变量、类型和表达式,以及函数的使用。深入讲解指针、数组、数据结构和自定义数据类型,如结构体、枚举和联合。此外,还涉及位字段、常用数据结构(如堆栈、队列、链表和树)、查找和排序算法,以及C语言的输入输出和文件操作。在C++部分,介绍面向对象编程的概念,如类和对象,以及构造函数、析构函数、运算符重载、继承、派生、虚函数、多态性、C++流、文件操作、模板技术和标准模板库(STL)。 第二阶段:C++进阶与实践 这一阶段可能涉及更复杂的C++特性,如模板的深入应用、异常处理、MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)框架的中级编程,以及Win32编程技术,帮助学员将理论知识应用于实际项目开发。 第三阶段:项目实战与就业准备 学员将参与至少两个具有代表性的实战项目,以积累实际工作经验,同时学习软件测试的基本技术、项目管理流程、技术文档编写,以及团队协作和企业管理理论。此外,还包括就业心态的调整、面试技巧的培训,以提升学员的综合能力和适应企业需求的能力。 C++技术白皮书是一份全面的培训材料,不仅教授C++语言技术,还关注实践应用和就业导向,旨在培养出既具备扎实理论基础又拥有实战经验的C++专业人才。
2016-03-22 上传
Discovering Modern C++: An Intensive Course for Scientists, Engineers, and Programmers (C++ In-Depth) 1st Edition Paperback: 480 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (December 27, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 0134383583 ISBN-13: 978-0134383583 As scientific and engineering projects grow larger and more complex, it is increasingly likely that those projects will be written in C++. With embedded hardware growing more powerful, much of its software is moving to C++, too. Mastering C++ gives you strong skills for programming at nearly every level, from “close to the hardware” to the highest-level abstractions. In short, C++ is a language that scientific and technical practitioners need to know. Peter Gottschling’s Discovering Modern C++ is an intensive introduction that guides you smoothly to sophisticated approaches based on advanced features. Gottschling introduces key concepts using examples from many technical problem domains, drawing on his extensive experience training professionals and teaching C++ to students of physics, math, and engineering. This book is designed to help you get started rapidly and then master increasingly robust features, from lambdas to expression templates. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of the powerful libraries available to C++ programmers: both the Standard Template Library (STL) and scientific libraries for arithmetic, linear algebra, differential equations, and graphs. Throughout, Gottschling demonstrates how to write clear and expressive software using object orientation, generics, metaprogramming, and procedural techniques. By the time you’re finished, you’ll have mastered all the abstractions you need to write C++ programs with exceptional quality and performance.