Z-Stack Developer's Guide SWRA176 Version 1.13
Copyright 2006-2015 Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
3.3.1 Unicast
This is the normal addressing mode and is used to send a packet to a single device whose network address is known.
The addrMode is set to Addr16Bit and the destination network address is carried in the packet.
3.3.2 Indirect
This is when the application is not aware of the final destination of the packet. The mode is set to
AddrNotPresent and the destination address is not specified. Instead, the destination is looked up from a
“binding table” that resides in the stack of the sending device. This feature is called Source binding (see later section
for details on binding).
When the packet is sent down to the stack, the destination address and end point is looked up from the binding table
and used. The packet is then treated as a regular unicast packet. If more than one destination device is found in the
binding table, a copy of the packet is sent to each of them. If no binding entry is found, the packet will not be sent.
3.3.3 Broadcast
This address mode is used when the application wants to send a packet to all devices in the network. The address
mode is set to AddrBroadcast and the destination address can be set to one of the following broadcast addresses:
NWK_BROADCAST_SHORTADDR_DEVALL (0xFFFF) – the message will be sent to all devices in the network
(includes sleeping devices). For sleeping devices, the message is held at its parent until the sleeping device polls for
it or the message is timed out (NWK_INDIRECT_MSG_TIMEOUT in f8wConfig.cfg).
NWK_BROADCAST_SHORTADDR_DEVRXON (0xFFFD) – the message will be sent to all devices that have the
receiver on when idle (RXONWHENIDLE). That is, all devices except sleeping devices.
NWK_BROADCAST_SHORTADDR_DEVZCZR (0xFFFC) – the message is sent to all routers (including the
coordinator ).
3.3.4 Group Addressing
This address mode is used when the application wants to send a packet to a group of devices. The address mode is
set to afAddrGroup and the addr.shortAddr is set to the group identifier.
Before using this feature, groups must be defined in the network, see aps_AddGroup() in the Z-Stack API [2]
Note that groups can also be used in conjunction with indirect addressing. The destination address found in the
binding table can be either a unicast or a group address. Also note that broadcast addressing is simply a special case
of group addressing where the groups are setup ahead of time.
Sample code for a device to add itself to a group with identifier 1:
aps_Group_t group;
// Assign yourself to group 1
group.ID = 0x0001;
group.name[0] = 6; // First byte is string length
osal_memcpy( &(group.name[1]), “Group1”, 6);
aps_AddGroup( SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT, &group );
3.4 Important Device Addresses
An application may want to know the address of its device and that of its parent. Use the following functions to get
this device’s address, defined in Z-Stack API [2] document: