COL 12(10), 102702(2014) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS October 10, 2014
1671-7694/2014/102702(4) 102702-1 © 2014 Chinese Optics Letters
High-quality InGaAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) is a
key structure for many optoelectronic
and micro-
devices. High-strain InGaAs/GaAs struc-
ture laser diode has been investigated because of its
large emitting wavelength range
and promising appli-
cation in communication
. It has been reported that
highly strained and high-quality epitaxial InGaAs/
GaAs structures have been manufactured by molecu-
lar beam epitaxy
and metal-organic chemical vapor
deposition (MOCVD)
techniques. Kim et al.
pared InGaAs/GaAs strained multiple QWs (MQWs)
by MOCVD. The detected MQW peaks by photocur-
rent and photoluminescence (PL) spectra were assigned
to the fundamental excitonic transitions of electron–
heavy hole and electron–light hole
. InGaAs/GaAs/
AlGaAs QW structures grown at dierent tempera-
tures by MOCVD using tertiarybutylarsine as group V
source exhibited that the QW grown at 640 °C showed
the highest PL intensity
. A double-QW structure
was prepared on GaAs substrate by MOCVD, which
showed room temperature luminescence at 1215 nm
and spectral linewidth of 48 meV
. It was reported
that a full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of about
32 meV with wavelength of 1054 nm was obtained
when a strain buer layer (SBL) was inserted into an
InGaAs/GaAs structure, which was grown with a V/
III ratio of 100 and a growth rate of 3 mm/h
. It was
also reported that when SBLs were inserted during In-
GaAs growth, the FWHM was decreased to 29 meV
at a peak of 1069 nm
. For highly strained InGaAs
double-QW structure, the FWHM decreased with high-
er growth rate due to lower density of defects, which
was reported that the FWHM decreased to about 26
meV as the growth rate reached to about 2 mm/h
High-strain InGaAs/GaAs quantum
well grown by MOCVD
Lei Gu (谷 雷)
, Lin Li (李 林)
, Zhongliang Qiao (乔忠良)
, Lingyi Kong (孔令沂)
Huibo Yuan (苑汇帛)
, Yang Liu (刘 洋)
, Yin Dai (戴 银)
, Baoxue Bo (薄报学)
and Guojun Liu (刘国军)
National Key Lab of High Power Semiconductor Lasers, Changchun University of Science
and Technology, Changchun 130022, China
AIXTRON China Limited, Shanghai 200052, China
Corresponding author: licust@126.com
Received February 26, 2014; accepted July 3, 2014; posted online September 3, 2014
High-strain InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) are grown by low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor de-
position (LP-MOCVD). Photoluminescence (PL) at room temperature is applied for evaluation of the optical
property. The inuence of growth temperature, V/III ratio, and growth rate on PL characteristic are inves-
tigated. It is found that the growth temperature and V/III ratio have strong eects on the peak wavelength
and PL intensity. The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of PL peak increases with higher growth rate of
InGaAs layer. The FWHM of the PL peak located at 1039 nm is 20.1 meV, which grows at 600 °C with V/
III ratio of 42.7 and growth rate of 0.96 mm/h.
OCIS codes: 350.3390, 270.0270, 260.1180, 300.6470.
doi: 10.3788/COL201412.102702.
Although the highly strained InGaAs/GaAs structure
has been studied for many years, the reported PL peak
FWHM is usually still larger than 25 meV. Here, we
have investigated the impact of dierent growth condi-
tions for InGaAs/GaAs QW PL property. The struc-
ture is In
As signal QW with a thicknesses of 10
nm sandwiched between 300 nm thick GaAs layers. All
the samples were measured by an Accent RPM2000
Compound Semiconductor PL System at room temper-
ature. By optimizing growth temperature, V/III ratio,
and growth rate, a 20.1 meV FWHM with room tem-
perature luminescence at 1039 nm was obtained, which
was the narrowest FWHM for high-strain InGaAs/
GaAs structure known to the best of our knowledge.
Trimethylindium (TMIn) and trimethylgallium were
used as group III sources and arsine (AsH
) was used
as group V source. The growth parameters of the ex-
periment are shown in Table 1. Sample S1 had a 10
nm QW layer, which was grown at 650 °C with a V/III
ratio of 65 and a growth rate of 1.15 mm/h. Samples S2
and S3 were grown at 600 and 550 °C, respectively, with
the other growth parameters same as sample S1. The
V/IIII ratios of S4, S5, S6, and S7 were 55.5, 51.5, 42.7,
and 34.2, respectively. For S8 and S9 samples, the QW
growth rates were 1.38 and 0.96 mm/h, respectively.
The growth temperature has a signicant eect on the
crystal quality
. Indium atoms will become more active
when temperature increases, so lower growth tempera-
ture helps keep more indium atoms in the QW layer, in
which way the PL property is improved and the indium
ratio increases resulting in a red-shift wavelength. Be-
sides, there will be more adducts depositing on the sub-
strate surface when the growth temperature is higher,
in which way the quality of crystal lattice deteriorates.