NIST SP800-133:加密密钥生成建议

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"NIST SP800-133.pdf 是一份由美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)发布的关于密码学密钥生成的推荐指南,旨在为联邦政府使用批准的加密算法提供密钥生成的指导。该文档由Elaine Barker和Allen Roginsky撰写,并在2012年12月发布。" NIST SP800-133是NIST一系列特别出版物之一,主要关注的是信息安全领域中的加密技术,特别是密钥管理的关键环节——密钥生成。加密是保护敏感、高价值或易受未经授权访问或未被发现修改的数据的关键手段。它依赖于两个基本组件:算法(或密码学方法)和密钥。算法是一种数学函数,而密钥则是该函数的一个参数。 NIST制定了一系列联邦信息处理标准(FIPS)和特别出版物,以规范和批准联邦政府使用的加密算法,并提供了这些批准算法所用密钥的管理指南。NIST SP800-133特别关注密钥的生成过程,这包括使用批准的随机位生成器(Random Bit Generator, RBG)的数学处理结果和其他可能的参数来生成密钥,或者基于此类方式生成的密钥来生成新的密钥。 该推荐指南详细阐述了如何生成与批准加密算法配套使用的密钥。密钥的生成有两种主要方式:一是通过数学运算处理批准的随机位生成器的输出和其他可能的参数;二是基于以上方式生成的密钥来创建新密钥。这样的方法确保了密钥的随机性和安全性,从而增强加密系统的整体安全性。 在实际应用中,有效的密钥生成是保证数据安全的基础。NIST SP800-133提供的指南对于确保政府机构和企业遵循最佳实践,防止数据泄露和未经授权的访问具有重要意义。它不仅涵盖了密钥生成的技术细节,还可能包含密钥的存储、分发、更新和撤销等关键步骤的建议,以确保整个加密生命周期的安全性。 NIST SP800-133是密码学领域一个重要的参考资源,对于理解并实施安全的密钥管理策略至关重要,尤其对那些需要处理敏感信息的组织来说,遵循这些推荐可以极大地提高其信息安全水平。
2020-02-25 上传
At the beginning of the 21st century, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began the task of providing cryptographic key management guidance. This included lessons learned over many years of dealing with key management issues, and is intended to encourage the definition and implementation of appropriate key management procedures, to use algorithms that adequately protect sensitive information, and to plan ahead for possible changes in the use of cryptography because of algorithm breaks or the availability of more powerful computing techniques. General key management guidance, including the general approach for transitioning from one algorithm or key length to another, is addressed in Part 1 of Special Publication (SP) 800-57 [SP 800-57]. This Recommendation (SP 800-131A) is intended to provide more detail about the transitions associated with the use of cryptography by Federal government agencies for the protection of sensitive, but unclassified information. The Recommendation addresses the use of algorithms and key lengths; the validation of cryptographic modules that utilize them is provided in [SP 800-131B]. The dates provided in SP 800-131A may differ from the dates originally provided in the 2005 version of [SP 800-57]. The revised dates provided herein attempt to deal with the realities associated with an orderly transition and are based on a better understanding of the risks associated with extending the dates in those cases where this was done. Note that an upper-date limit is not provided herein for many of the algorithms and key lengths discussed; that information is provided in [SP 800-57], and should be considered valid unless different guidance is provided in the future.