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The "Resource Guide on Artificial Intelligence Strategies" is a comprehensive document aimed at providing readers with valuable insights and guidance on the strategic use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This guide, published in 2021 and spanning 120 pages, covers a wide range of topics related to AI, including ethics, implementation strategies, and best practices. The guide begins with an introduction that sets the stage for the importance of AI in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. It underscores the significance of ethical considerations when developing AI technologies, emphasizing the need for responsible and inclusive AI practices. Chapter 2 delves into the ethics of AI, emphasizing the critical importance of ethical considerations in the design, development, and deployment of AI systems. The guide highlights the potential ethical challenges and implications of AI, such as bias, privacy concerns, and the impact on society. It provides readers with valuable insights into how to address these challenges and develop AI systems that prioritize ethical considerations. Throughout the guide, readers are provided with practical advice and strategies for implementing AI technologies effectively within their organizations. The guide emphasizes the need for a strategic approach to AI implementation, highlighting the importance of aligning AI initiatives with organizational goals and objectives. It also provides readers with best practices for selecting AI technologies, building AI capabilities, and measuring the impact of AI initiatives. Overall, the "Resource Guide on Artificial Intelligence Strategies" serves as a valuable resource for organizations looking to leverage AI technologies for competitive advantage. By providing readers with practical advice, insights, and best practices, the guide equips organizations with the knowledge and tools they need to successfully implement AI strategies that drive innovation and growth.
2021-11-23 上传
英国数字、文化、媒体和体育部(DCMS)9月22日正式发布《国家人工智能战略》,旨在使英国成为人工智能领域的全球超级大国。 英国《国家人工智能战略》标志着英国对人工智能技术立场的重大转变,代表着英国人工智能逐步变革的开始。该战略提出,人工智能是世界上发展最快的深度技术,具有改写整个行业规则、推动经济大幅增长和改变生活各领域的巨大潜力;未来十年,随着变革性技术继续重塑经济和社会,全球权力的性质和分布将发生变化;英国是人工智能领域的全球超级大国,并且有能力在未来十年作为真正的研究和创新强国、全球人才的聚集地以及先进的监管和商业环境来引领世界。 该战略以三大假设为基础:一是人工智能进步、发现和战略优势的关键驱动因素是获取人员、数据、计算和金融;二是需要采取行动以确保英国每个部门和地区都能从人工智能经济转型中受益;三是英国治理和监管制度需要跟上人工智能快速变化的需求。该战略设定了三大主要目标:一是投资并规划人工智能生态系统的长期需求,以延续英国作为科学和人工智能超级大国的领导地位;二是抓住英国创新的好处并确保人工智能惠及所有行业和地区,支持向人工智能经济转型;三是确保英国正确治理人工智能技术,以鼓励创新、投资并保护公众和英国基本价值观。 该战略以“投资于人工智能生态系统的长期需求”“确保人工智能惠及所有行业和地区”“有效管理人工智能”三大支柱为基础制订了短、中、长期关键行动计划,重要事项包括:启动“国家人工智能研究与创新计划”;启动人工智能和英国研究与创新(UKRI)计划联合办公室;发布关于英国研究人员和机构计算能力的审查;启动人工智能版权和专利磋商;通过“人工智能标准中心”协调英国参与制定全球规则;落实《美英人工智能研发合作宣言》;通过英国国防部发布《国防人工智能战略》;发布国防部在采用和使用人工智能时将采用的方法。