C语言入门经典:C in a Nutshell 2nd Edition

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"C in a Nutshell 2nd" 《C in a Nutshell 2nd》是Peter Prinz和Tony Crawford合著的一本关于C语言的参考书籍,旨在为C语言的学习者提供一个全面且简洁的指南。这本书是第二版,于2016年由O'Reilly Media, Inc.在美国出版。O'Reilly Media是一家知名的技术图书出版商,同时也提供在线版本的书籍服务。 本书涵盖了C语言的基础到高级主题,包括语法、数据类型、控制结构、函数、指针、内存管理、预处理器、标准库函数等核心概念。它适合已经有一定编程基础或者正在学习C语言的读者,无论是个人自学还是教育、商业或推广使用,都是很好的参考资料。 编辑团队由Rachel Roumeliotis和Katie Schooling负责,生产编辑是Kristen Brown,而Gillian McGarvey则担任了复制编辑的角色。Jasmine Kwityn参与了校对工作,Angela Howard是索引编制者,David Futato设计了内页布局,封面设计由Karen Montgomery完成,插图由Rebecca Demarest绘制。 本书的第二版在2015年12月首次发布,此后可能有修订和更新,详细的发布细节可以在O'Reilly的错误和勘误页面(http://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781491904756)上查看。O'Reilly的标识是一个注册商标,代表着该书的权威性和专业性。 通过阅读《C in a Nutshell 2nd》,读者可以深入了解C语言的各个方面,包括如何编写高效、可靠的代码,以及如何利用C语言的强大功能进行系统级编程。书中的例子和解释旨在帮助读者快速查找信息,解决编程过程中遇到的问题,从而提升C语言的编程技能。对于想要深入理解和掌握C语言的人来说,这本书是一个不可或缺的工具。
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This book is a complete reference to the C programming language and the C runtime library. As an “In a Nutshell” book, its purpose is to serve as a convenient, reliable companion for C programmers in their day-to-day work. It describes all the elements of the language and illustrates their use with numerous examples. The present description of the C language is based on the 2011 international C standard, ISO/IEC 9899:2011, widely known as C11. This standard supersedes the C99 standard, ISO/IEC 9899:1999, and its Technical Corrigenda, TC1 of 2001, TC2 of 2004, and TC3 of 2007. The first international C standard, ISO/IEC 9899:1990, was published in 1990 and supplemented in 1995 by Normative Addendum 1 (ISO/IEC 9899/AMD1:1995). The 1990 ISO/IEC standard corresponds to the ANSI standard X3.159, which was ratified in late 1989 and is commonly called ANSI C or C89. The new features of the 2011 C standard are not yet fully supported by all compilers and standard library implementations. In this book, we have therefore labeled 2011 features—such as multithreading, type-generic macros, and new standard library functions—with the abbreviation C11. Extensions that were introduced by the C99 standard are labeled with the abbreviation C99. This book is not an introduction to programming in C. Although it covers the fundamentals of the language, it is not organized or written as a tutorial. If you are new to C, we assume that you have read at least one of the many introductory books, or that you are familiar with a related language, such as Java or C++.