High average power picosecond pulse and
supercontinuum generation
from a thulium-doped, all-fiber amplifier
Jiang Liu, Jia Xu, Kun Liu, Fangzhou Tan, and Pu Wang*
Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
*Corresponding author: wangpuemail@bjut.edu.cn
Received August 14, 2013; accepted September 10, 2013;
posted September 16, 2013 (Doc. ID 195781); published October 10, 2013
We demonstrate a high-power, picosecond, thulium-doped, all-fiber master oscillator power amplifier with average
power of 120.4 W. The compact fiber oscillator is carefully designed with high repetition rate for the purpose of
overcoming the detrimental effects of fiber nonlinearity in the later fiber amplifiers. The pulse duration of 16 ps at
333.75 MHz repetition rate results in a peak power of 22.5 kW in the final fiber power amplifier. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first demonstration of average power exceeding 100 W from an ultrashort pulse laser at 2 μm
wavelength. On the other hand, by decreasing the fiber oscillator repetition rate and pulse duration for enhancing
the fiber nonlinearity effects, we also demonstrate a high-power supercontinuum source with average power of
36 W from 1.95 μm to beyond 2.4 μm in the final fiber power amplifier. © 2013 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (140.3510) Lasers, fiber; (140.4050) Mode-locked lasers; (140.7090) Ultrafast lasers.
The research on ultrashort pulse generation in thulium-
doped fiber lasers [1–8] and power scaling of such short
pulses in thulium-doped fiber amplifiers [9–11] has
attracted worldwide attention in the last several years
because of their potential applications in polymeric
material processing [
12], pump source for mid-infrared
(Mid-IR) optical parametric oscillators [13,14], and
Mid-IR supercontinuum generation [
15–19]. In most
cases, the well-known chirped pulse amplification (CPA)
technique in combination with highly thulium-doped
large-mode-area (LMA) active fibers was also adopted
to reduce the detrimental nonlinearity effects during
the high average power or high pulse energy fiber ampli-
fication. The pulse is first chirped before amplification
in order to decrease the peak power intensities, and then
it is compressed by using pulse compression gating
after high power fiber amplification. For example,
Haxsen et al. achieved high-power and high-energy ultra-
short pulses using CPA technique in a thulium-doped
LMA fiber amplifier [
20] in 2010. The amplifier produces
5.4 W average power and 151 nJ pulse energy. More
recently, Sims et al. used multistage thulium-doped
fiber amplifiers to boost Raman-shifted pulses to the
pulse energy of 1 μJ and peak power of 1 MW [
Wan et al. demonstrated a higher pulse energy CPA sys-
tem based on a picosecond fiber oscillator and multistage
fiber amplifiers [
22]. The final fiber power amplifier
boosts the average power to 5.4 W, corresponding to
pulse energy of 36.7 μ J with a compressed pulse duration
of 910 fs. All of these earli er experiments involved a lot of
free space optics, such as large bulk grating pairs, and
inevitably resulted in the loss of an all-fiber scheme,
which is considered the most distinguished property of
fiber lasers. The high-power chirped pulse compression
gratings for the 2 μm wavelength region have also been
expensive and compl ex components for fabrication up to
now, and suppliers are limited to one or two companies.
In this Letter, we report on a much higher average
power picosecond, thulium-doped, all-fiber master
oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) without using
conventional CPA technique. The simple picosecond,
all-fiber oscillator was carefully designed with high rep-
etition rate for the purpose of achieving high average
power and high peak power pulses in the later fiber am-
plification stages without the occurrence of high fiber
nonlinear effect and fiber damage. The picosecond, all-
fiber oscillator was mode locked by a semiconductor
saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) at a fundamental
repetition rate of 333.7 MHz in a short linear cavity. Com-
pact, three-stage, thulium-doped, all-fiber amplifiers with
good thermal management were used directly to boost
average output power to 120.4 W, corresponding to a
slope efficiency of 59%. The pulse duration and peak
power after the amplification were 16 ps and 22.5 kW,
respectively. On the other hand, by decreasing the fiber
oscillator repetition rate and pulse duration for the pur-
pose of enhancing the fiber nonlinearity effects in the
later fiber amplifiers, we also generated a high power
supercontinuum with average output power of 36 W from
1.95 μm to beyond 2.4 μm in the fiber power amplifier.
The spectral flatness of the supercontinuum was better
than 10 dB and the slope efficiency was ∼30%.
The schematic setup of the high-power picosecond,
thulium-doped, all-fiber amplifiers is shown in Fig.
Fig. 1. Schematic setup of the high average power picosecond,
thulium-doped, all-fiber MOPA system.
4150 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 38, No. 20 / October 15, 2013
0146-9592/13/204150-04$15.00/0 © 2013 Optical Society of America