In-Flight Alignment of POS Based
on State-Transition Matrix
Jiancheng Fang and Zhanchao Liu
Abstract—Position and orientation system (POS) is an
important part of airborne remote sensing system, it is used to
measure and compensate the motion errors of airborne sensors
in course of imaging. In-flight alignment is an effective way to
improve the accuracy and robustness of POS in its operating
cycles. In the traditional in-flight alignment methods, large initial
alignment errors result in the fact that nonlinear error models
and nonlinear filters must be used, which means much calculation
load will accompany the system. To avoid the large initial
alignment errors, in this paper, a new in-flight alignment method
with fewer calculation loads is proposed. The error propagate
characteristic of POS is analyzed first, and state transition matrix
is used to record the initial alignment errors propagate process
in every calculation step. After observability analysis of the new
method, the in-flight alignment is carried out according to the
navigation errors and the error state-transition matrix of POS.
To validate the proposed in-flight alignment method, car-mounted
experiment and flight test are carried out. Experiment results
show that, the proposed in-flight alignment method can improve
the accuracy and the robustness of POS with fewer calculation
Index Terms—Airborne remote sensing, position and
orientation system, in-flight alignment, error model,
observability, state transition matrix.
HE Position and Orientation System (POS) is a kind of
integrated navigation system, it is mainly used to measure
and compensate the motion errors of airborne sensors. POS
consists of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), GPS receiver,
POS Computer System (PCS) and post-processing software
suite. IMU contains three gyroscopes and three accelerom-
eters, and it is usually embedded in airborne sensors to
measure angular and linear information. Global Positioning
System (GPS) receiver provides absolute position and
velocity of the airborne remote sensing system. PCS and
pos-processing software suite are used to integrate the IMU
data and GPS data online and offline respectively [1]–[4].
POS is different from traditional integrated navigation
system. The ability to align itself in dynamic environment
which called in-flight alignment (IFA) is important
Manuscript received July, 7, 2014; accepted December 22, 2014. Date of
publication January 7, 2015; date of current version April 22, 2015. This work
was supported in part by the National Basic Research Program of China
under Grant 2009CB724002 and in part by the Foundation for Innovative
Research Groups through the National Natural Science Foundation of China
under Grant 61121003. The associate editor coordinating the review of this
paper and approving it for publication was Dr. Thilo Sauter.
The authors are with Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China (e-mail:
fangjiancheng@buaa.edu.cn; liuzhanchao@hotmail.com).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2388697
for POS [5]. There is short time for static alignment in
ground, as POS is just part of the whole airborne remote
sensing system. In many cases, POS is just powered on in
air when the airborne sensors start to work in consider of
energy conservation, operation convenience and safety of the
plane. Moreover, GPS output is easily affected by airborne
sensors and other factors [5], for example, the Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) will interrupt the satellite signal of
GPS sometimes, in which case the system needs new in-flight
alignment. All the features aforementioned make the in-flight
alignment is key technology for POS to get a good
performance. But there are many features of POS we can
make full use of, for example, the typical trace of POS is
uniform rectilinear motion back and forth when the airborne
sensors work in imaging areas [6], [7].
During in-flight alignment, coarse alignment is carried out
firstly to provide initial attitude for fine alignment according
to the accelerometer outputs of IMU and GPS heading in
the past, and fine alignment will take the velocity errors
between Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) and
GPS into a filter to estimate the navigation errors [5], [8]. But
in most cases, the initial attitude error provided by the coarse
alignment is quite large, so that nonlinear error models and
nonlinear filters must be used for fine alignment in the past.
To overcome the large coarse alignment errors, large head-
ing error models [9], [10], extended kalman filter (EKF),
unscented kalman filter and predictive filter are used in the
in-flight alignment [11]–[15]. The EKF is used most widely
because of its better real-time performance [16]–[18], but
the EKF is sensitive to GPS signal when the GPS signal is
disturbed by airborne sensors, maneuver of the aircraft
and other factors. So adaptive kalman filtering algorithms
are proposed afterwards, and the innovation based adaptive
estimation (IAE) is most concentrated [5], the Innovation
Adaptive EKF method for airborne POS can reduce the
relay on prior knowledge of the filter with good real-time
performance, but it is still not robust enough with large initial
attitude errors, moreover, the Adaptive EKF filter will induce
much calculation loads.
In this paper, a new in-flight alignment method of POS
is presented, which can provide accurate initial attitude of
POS, and the new method is robust enough to avoid unstable
GPS outputs. After coarse alignment, the system start inertial
navigation instead of SINS/GPS integrated navigation, then
state transition matrix is used to estimate the initial attitude
errors analytically according to the inertial navigation results
relative to GPS outputs. The new in-flight alignment method
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