The output file types are:
Runtime Options
Graphics mode: When the Run in graphics mode box is checked, X-13ARIMA-SEATS saves graphics files to the path given in the Graphics
directory box. If "Win X-13 Java graphs" or "X-13-Graph SAS graphs" is selected as the Type of graph to create when run in graphics mode in the
Settings window and the Graphs box is checked in the View upon completion group box, then the interface will produce these graphs when a spec
file is run. See Sections 5D ( and 5E
( for more information on the graphs. The graphics files that are saved can
also be used to create graphs later; X-13-Graph Batch (U.S. Census Bureau 2015) and X-13-Graph Java (U.S. Census Bureau 2013) have a large
number of graphs and graphing options available for this purpose.
Alternate output name: Check the New name for spec output box to specify an alternate name for all program output. (This includes the log file, the
output file, and all graphics files and saved tables.) Changing the output name prevents overwriting previous results from a spec file.
To save the output files to a directory other than the one in which the spec file is located, check the Output directory box and type the new directory
in the text box next to it. You can also copy a directory location and paste it into the box, for example, from the Windows explorer.
These two options are available only when running spec files. To give alternate output names or directories to series run using a metafile, see the
section on Win X-13 metafile limitations (
Save original, trend, seasonal adjustment, and seasonal factors as HTML: Check this box to create up to four HTML files when a spec or metafile
runs, saving the original series, trend (D12 table), seasonally adjusted series (D11 table), and the combined seasonal factors and calendar effects
(D16 table) to the output directory. See Section 5F ( for more details.
Summary mode: Check Create summary file with diagnostics information or run X-13ARIMA-SEATS in graphics mode to create the diagnostics file
(*.udg file) when a spec file or metafile runs. The diagnostics file is saved to the graphics directory if Run in graphics mode is checked and to the
output directory if only the summary box is checked. If neither box is checked, Win X-13 cannot create the diagnostics table
( when the spec file runs. The Diagnostics box must also be
checked in the View upon completion group box for the series information to be added to the diagnostics table.
Verify spec: When this box is checked, the spec file is checked for errors when you submit it. Any errors found are written to the error file, which is
displayed regardless of your output file. No further processing of the spec is performed.
Advanced Options: Further X-13ARIMA-SEATS options are available by pressing the Advanced options button. In the window that appears, you
Win X-13 maintains the status of the check boxes--that is, the boxes that had been checked in the previous run of the program will be checked the
next time the interface is started. The exceptions are the boxes for the new output name and directory; these have to be checked anew every time
you use them.
Displaying X-13ARIMA-SEATS Output
Output file. The main output file created when X-13ARIMA-SEATS runs. Control the information saved to the OutputName.out or
OutputName.html file using print arguments in the spec file; see the X-13ARIMA-SEATS documentation (U.S. Census Bureau
2017) for a complete description.
Log file. A supplementary output file created when X-13ARIMA-SEATS runs, the log file displays the diagnostics requested in the
spec file using savelog arguments. See the X-13ARIMA-SEATS documentation (U.S. Census Bureau 2017) for a complete list of
savelog arguments available. Log files are named either OutputName.log or OutputName_log.html. If you run a metafile, only one
log file will be created.
Error file. X-13ARIMA-SEATS creates an error file for every series run. When it encounters an error, it saves a description of the
error to an OutputName.err or OutputName_err.html file.
Diagnostics file. If X-13ARIMA-SEATS is run in summary mode (by checking Create summary file with diagnostics information) or
graphics mode, it creates an OutputName.udg file. This is a text file in both versions of X-13ARIMA-SEATS. See Section 8
( for more details.
Save files. These are text files in x13save format of specific tables from the X-13ARIMA-SEATS run. Each save file must be
requested in the spec file using the save = () argument; their extension is the two or three letter code corresponding to that table.
For example, save = (d16) in the x11{} spec will save the combined seasonal factors to OutputName.d16.
Suppress all output except for tables specifically requested in the spec file
Turn off pagination in the output file
Request a wide format in the output
Ask for reduced output
Run X-13ARIMA-SEATS in quiet mode, suppressing warnings sent to the console and printed to the "Screen Output" tab
Sum components of a composite adjustment but adjust only the total