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Kubernetes(简称K8s)是一种开源的容器编排系统,由Google开发并维护,旨在简化应用程序的部署、扩展和管理。本文将围绕Kubernetes的核心概念、自动化安装、日志收集、监控报警、Ceph存储集成以及动态Persistent Volume(PV)的使用,以及应用部署等方面进行详细介绍。 K8s架构与Pod基础 K8s架构主要包含以下几个组件: 1. Master节点:负责集群的管理和协调,包括调度、服务发现和认证授权。 2. Worker节点:运行容器的工作节点,接受Master节点的调度指令。 3. Pod:K8s的基本执行单元,封装了单个或多个容器及其共享的卷,是不可分割的基本部署单位。 4. Pod的状态:Pod有五种可能的状态:Pending(等待调度)、Running(正在运行)、Failed(容器失败)、Succeeded(容器成功完成)和Unknown(状态未知)。 Pod中的Liveness和Readiness探测器 - LivenessProbe:用于检测Pod是否还在运行,如果容器在规定时间内无法执行预设命令(如文中示例中的创建临时文件并保持其存在),则认为Pod未健康。`ExecAction`、`TCPSocketAction`和`HTTPGetAction`是三种常见的探测方式。 - ReadinessProbe:用于确认Pod是否准备好接收外部请求。如果容器不能提供一个可访问的服务端点(如HTTP GET请求),则该Pod被视为不可用。 资源限制与调度策略 K8s允许为Pod设置资源限制和需求: - Requests:定义容器所需的最小资源量,确保Pod不会因为资源不足而失败。 - Limits:设置硬性的资源上限,防止资源消耗过度影响其他Pod。 - QoS(Quality of Service): - Guaranteed:每个容器都有明确的CPU和内存请求,且限制相等,保证性能稳定。 - Burstable:至少有一个容器设置了资源请求,但没有限制,可以根据需要增长资源。 - BestEffort:无资源限制,适用于优先级较低的任务,容器可能因资源竞争而被暂停。 存储管理:动态PV Kubernetes支持动态创建Persistent Volume(PV),这是持久化的存储,可以挂载到多个Pod中。PV和Pod之间的关系通过PersistentVolumeClaim(PVC)来声明和绑定。动态PV允许根据需要动态创建和释放存储,提高了存储资源的灵活性。 总结 Kubernetes提供了强大的容器编排能力,包括自动化的部署流程、健康检查机制、资源管理和存储解决方案。通过掌握这些核心概念和操作方法,可以帮助团队更高效地管理云环境中的容器应用。对于初学者来说,从安装配置开始,逐步熟悉Pod、Liveness/Readiness探针、资源管理以及与外部存储系统的集成,都是不可或缺的学习步骤。
2018-04-12 上传
Kubernetes is often documented and approached from the perspective of someone just running software already built. Kubernetes may also be used to enhance the development process itself, enabling more consistent testing and analysis of written code so that developers can verify not only correctness, but efficiency as well. This book will introduce the key concepts of Kubernetes, linked with examples of how to deploy and use those with a bit of NodeJS and Python example code, so that a reader could quickly replicate and use that knowledge themselves in their development process. You will begin by setting up Kubernetes for development and packaging your code to run in Kubernetes. It will walk you through the set up and installation process before working with Kubernetes in the development environment. We will then take a deep dive into concepts like automating your build process, autonomic computing, debugging, integration testing and so on. This book will cover all the necessary concepts required for any developer to work with Kubernetes. Towards the end of this book, we will be covering few security best practices which will secure the developer environment. By the end of this book, you will be in a position to use Kubernetes in the development ecosystem. What you will learn Build your software into containers. Deploy and debug those containers with Kubernetes. Define and add configuration through Kubernetes. Declare how your application fits together, using internal and external services. Add feedback in your code to help Kubernetes manage your services. Monitor, measure your services through integration testing and in production deployments.