J3/10-007r1 WD 1539-1 2010-11-24
– The new intrinsic functions BESSEL J0, BESSEL J1, BESSEL JN, BESSEL Y0, BESSEL Y1, and
BESSEL YN calculate Bessel functions.
– The new intrinsic functions BGE, BGT, BLE, and BLT perform bitwise comparisons.
– The new intrinsic functions DSHIFTL and DSHIFTR calculate combined left and right shifts.
– The new intrinsic functions ERF, ERFC, and ERFC SCALED calculate the error function and its
– The new intrinsic subroutine EXECUTE COMMAND LINE allows a program to start another pro-
– The new intrinsic function FINDLOC searches an array for a value.
– The intrinsic functions LGE, LGT, LLE, and LLT can have arguments of ASCII kind.
– The new intrinsic functions GAMMA and LOG GAMMA calculate the gamma function and its log.
– The new intrinsic function HYPOT calculates the Euclidean distance.
– The new intrinsic functions IALL, IANY, and IPARITY reduce an array with the bitwise AND, bitwise
OR, and bitwise exclusive OR functions respectively.
– The new intrinsic function IMAGE INDEX converts cosubscripts to an image index.
– The new intrinsic functions LCOBOUND and UCOBOUND return the cobounds of a coarray.
– The new intrinsic functions LEADZ and TRAILZ return the number of leading and trailing zero bits
in an integer.
– The new intrinsic functions MASKL and MASKR return simple left and right justified masks.
– A BACK= argument has been added to the intrinsic functions MAXLOC and MINLOC.
– The new intrinsic function MERGE BITS performs a bitwise merge using a mask.
– The new intrinsic function NORM2 calculates the L
norm of an array.
– The new intrinsic function NUM IMAGES returns the number of images.
– The new intrinsic function PARITY reduces an array with the .NEQV. operation.
– The new intrinsic functions POPCNT and POPPAR return the number of 1 bits of an integer and its
– A RADIX= argument has been added to the intrinsic function SELECTED
– The new intrinsic functions SHIFTA, SHIFTL and SHIFTR perform shift operations.
– The new intrinsic function STORAGE SIZE returns the size of an array element in bits.
– The new intrinsic function THIS IMAGE returns the index of this image or cosubscripts for it.
• Intrinsic modules:
The functions COMPILER VERSION and COMPILER OPTIONS in the intrinsic module ISO FOR-
TRAN ENV return information about the program translation phase. Named constants for selecting kind
values have been added to the intrinsic module ISO FORTRAN ENV. The function C SIZEOF in the in-
trinsic module ISO C BINDING returns the size of an array element in bytes. A RADIX= argument has
been added to the function IEEE SELECTED REAL KIND in the intrinsic module IEEE ARITHMETIC.
• Programs and procedures:
An empty CONTAINS section is allowed. An internal procedure can be used as an actual argument
or procedure pointer target. ALLOCATABLE and POINTER attributes are used in generic resolution.
Procedureness of a dummy argument is used in generic resolution. An actual argument with the TARGET
attribute can correspond to a dummy pointer. A null pointer or unallocated allocatable can be used to
denote an absent nonallocatable nonpointer optional argument. An impure elemental procedure processes
array arguments in array element order. The FUNCTION and SUBROUTINE keywords can be omitted
from the END statement for a module or internal subprogram. A line in the program is permitted to begin
with a semicolon.
3 Additionally, the ENTRY feature present in Fortran 77 onwards is now deemed to be obsolescent by this part
of ISO/IEC 1539.
xvi Introduction