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"《现代Perl》是一本由Shane Warden编辑,Chromatic出版的书籍,于2010年首次发行。该书是专为Perl语言设计的,特别是在Perl 5和Perl 6的背景下,它探讨了Perl语言的最新特性和最佳实践。封面设计由Allison Randall和Chromatic共同完成,版权归属于Onyx Neon Press,其标志是Onyx Neon Inc.的商标。 书中核心内容包括: 1. Preface:介绍部分可能会阐述写作目的、目标读者以及对Perl编程语言的热情和期待,引导读者了解为什么要阅读这本书。 2. Running Modern Perl:章节可能讲解如何在当前环境中运行和配置Perl,包括版本管理,以及如何处理Perl在不同平台上的兼容性问题。 3. Perl 5 and Perl 6:对比分析两个主要版本,阐述Perl 5的优点、新特性,以及Perl 6作为下一代语言带来的革新,如语法改进和元语言特性。 4. Expressivity:强调Perl语言的灵活性和表达力,如何通过简洁的代码实现复杂的逻辑,展示Perl强大的功能。 5. Context:讨论Perl中的上下文敏感性,包括变量作用域、数据类型和操作符的行为,这在高级编程中至关重要。 6. Implicit Ideas:深入解析Perl中的隐式特性,如符号引用、魔术方法等,这些特性让Perl具有独特的编程风格。 7. Perland Its Community:介绍Perl社区的重要性和角色,分享开源文化、模块库(CPAN)、社区活动和贡献者的故事,以鼓励读者参与到这个活跃的开发者群体。 8. Community Sites:列出推荐的Perl社区网站,如Stack Overflow、perlmonks.org等,供读者获取支持和学习资源。 9. Development:可能涉及现代Perl的开发工具、框架和最佳实践,帮助读者提升开发效率和代码质量。 10. Acknowledgments 和 Credits:感谢所有对本书作出贡献的人员,包括技术顾问、审稿人和开源软件开发者。 此外,书中还提供了详细的错误报告渠道(http://github.com/chromatic/modern_perl_book/),鼓励读者反馈和改进。作者希望读者分享这本书,并通过链接http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/#why_freetohelp推动更多免费资源的创作。 《现代Perl》的目标是帮助读者理解Perl语言的核心概念,以及如何适应其不断发展变化的环境,对于想要深入学习或成为Perl专家的人来说,这是一本不可或缺的参考书。"
2016-10-25 上传
A Perl expert can solve a problem in a few lines of well-tested code. Now you can unlock these powers for yourself. Modern Perl teaches you how Perl really works. It's the only book that explains Perl thoroughly, from its philosophical roots to the pragmatic decisions that help you solve real problems--and keep them solved. You'll understand how the language fits together and discover the secrets used by the global Perl community. This beloved guide is now completely updated for Perl 5.22. When you have to solve a problem now, reach for Perl. When you have to solve a problem right, reach for Modern Perl. Discover how to scale your skills from one-liners to asynchronous Unicode-aware web services and everything in between. Modern Perl will take you from novice to proficient Perl hacker. You'll see which features of modern Perl will make you more productive, and which features of this well-loved language are best left in the past. Along the way, you'll take advantage of Perl to write well-tested, clear, maintainable code that evolves with you. Learn how the language works, how to take advantage of the CPAN's immense trove of time-tested solutions, and how to write clear, concise, powerful code that runs everywhere. Specific coverage explains how to use Moose, how to write testable code, and how to deploy and maintain real-world Perl applications. This new edition covers the new features of Perl 5.20 and Perl 5.22, including all the new operators, standard library changes, bug and security fixes, and productivity enhancements. It gives you what you need to use the most up-to-date Perl most effectively, all day, every day. What You Need: Perl 5.16 or newer (Perl 5.20 or 5.22 preferred). Installation/upgrade instructions included. Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Perl Philosophy Chapter 2. Perl and Its Community Chapter 3. The Perl Language Chapter 4. Operators Chapter 5. Functions Chapter 6. Regular Expressions and Matching Chapter 7. Objects Chapter 8. Style and Efficacy Chapter 9. Managing Real Programs Chapter 10. Perl Beyond Syntax Chapter 11. What to Avoid Chapter 12. Next Steps with Perl