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"GitBestPracticesGuide是一本由Eric Pidoux编著的专业书籍,针对Git版本控制系统提供全面的最佳实践指南。这本书的目的是帮助读者理解和掌握Git的核心功能,通过实时场景演示,提升团队协作效率和开发流程管理。《Git最佳实践》是2014年Packt Publishing出版的作品,版权所有,未经书面许可,禁止任何形式的复制、存储或传输。 书中内容涵盖了Git的基础知识,如分支管理、合并策略、提交规范、代码审查以及冲突解决等,确保读者能够熟练地在实际项目中应用。作者强调了Git的版本控制精髓,旨在使读者具备在快速变化的软件开发环境中保持代码历史清晰、维护版本一致性的能力。 值得注意的是,尽管作者和出版商已经尽力保证书中的信息准确无误,但鉴于技术的快速发展,书中所包含的信息并不保证永远适用,且不承担因本书内容导致的直接或间接损失的责任。此外,书中提及的商标信息虽已尽力标注,但并不能完全保证其准确性。 《Git最佳实践》于2014年11月首次出版,适合于Git初学者和有经验的开发者阅读,无论是希望提升自身技能,还是寻求团队协作优化,都能从中受益匪浅。通过学习这本书,读者可以系统地了解如何将Git的最佳实践融入到日常开发工作中,从而提高开发效率和代码质量。"


Master the best practices of Git with the help of real-time scenarios to maximize team efficiency and workflow About This Book Work with a versioning tool for continuous integration using Git Learn how to make the best use of Git's features Comprehensible guidelines with useful tricks and tips for effectively using Git for collaborative and Agile development Who This Book Is For If you are a developer and you want to completely master Git without heavy theory, this is the book for you. A reasonable knowledge level and basic understanding of Git concepts will get you started with this book. In Detail Git is a powerful versioning system. It is fast and logical, and helps developers to work with a team efficiently. The command set and learning curve of Git are pretty similar to and even better than any other SCM, and therefore it is comparatively easier to learn. Starting with the basic Git commands, this book will take you on a journey to explore all the features of Git and provide you with a way to integrate Git in a team to set up Agile methods and Continuous Integration. The book covers how to create and manage a repository on Git before moving on to explain the best practices to work with other developers as a team. It provides descriptions of Git's features, such as applying patch, using submodules, migrating from SVN, hooks, and cherry pick. This book is invaluable to anyone who wants a thorough reference guide to go back to every time they have questions about any feature of Git. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Starting a Git Repository Chapter 2. Working in a Team Using Git Chapter 3. Finding and Resolving Conflicts Chapter 4. Going Deeper into Git Chapter 5. Using Git for Continuous Integration
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