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2003年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试题共分为听力理解、阅读理解、完形填空和阅读理解四个部分。听力理解部分占据了30分钟,30分。第一部分是对话,听到10个短对话后,听到每个对话后都会有一个关于对话内容的问题。每个问题只念一遍,并且播放完问题后,会有一个停顿让你选择A、B、C、D中的一个答案。 Section B Mini–Dialogues(10 points) Directions:In this section , you will hear 10 mini–dialogues. At the end of each dialogu e, a question will be asked about what was said . Both the dialogue and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause . during the pause , you must read the 4 choices marked A , B , C and D , and choose the best answer . 11 . A .At a hotel B. At a clothes shop C. At an airport D .At a bank 12 。whát will the man do first? 第二部分是小对话,同样是10个,听完对话后会有关于对话内容的问题。问题只读一遍,听完问题后,会有一个停顿,供选择答案。接下来的阅读理解部分分成两个部分,A和B。 Section C Ataricle Reading(30 points) Directions:I n this section ,you will read a number of short texts .After each text , a question will be asked about it .Answer e ach question according to what is stated or implied in the text . 19. What are the applicants supposed to write , according to the announcement ? 第三部分是文章阅读,分数占30分。读完每个短文后,问题会根据文中的内容或暗示而提出。根据所阅读的材料的内容回答问题。最后是阅读理解部分的第二部分。 Section D Skimming and Scanning(30 points) Directions:In this section ,you will read a number of short texts .After each text , you will read 5 statements about it .You are required to decide whether each statement is t rue or false ,based on what is stated or implied in the text . 39 . Rare animals were Mathemat- -ically categorized into species according to a recent study conducted by scientists . 最后一部分是略读和浏览部分,分数占30分。读完每篇短文后,会出现5个关于内容的陈述,你需要根据短文的内容来判断这些陈述是真是假。这些题目都需要仔细阅读和理解文本中的信息,是对英语能力的综合考察。建议考生复习时多进行练习,提高自己的阅读理解和听力理解能力。考生们可以下载2003年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试题及答案来进行练习和熟悉题型。赛马不相马,敢为天下先,希望每位参加考试的同学都能取得好成绩。