A Simple but Hard-to-Beat Baseline for Session-based
Fajie Yuan
University of Glagow
Glasgow, UK
Alexandros Karatzoglou
Telefonica Research
Barcelona, Spain
Ioannis Arapakis
Telefonica Research
Barcelona, Spain
Joemon M Jose
University of Glagow
Glasgow, UK
Xiangnan He
National University of Singapore
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) models have been recently
introduced in the domain of top-
session-based recommendations.
An ordered collection of past items the user has interacted with in
a session (or sequence) are embedded into a 2-dimensional latent
matrix, and treated as an image. The convolution and pooling opera-
tions are then applied to the mapped item embeddings. In this paper,
we rst examine the typical session-based CNN recommender and
show that both the generative model and network architecture are
suboptimal when modeling long-range dependencies in the item
sequence. To address the issues, we introduce a simple, but very
eective generative model that is capable of learning high-level
representation from both short- and long-range item dependencies.
The network architecture of the proposed model is formed of a stack
of holed convolutional layers, which can eciently increase the
receptive elds without relying on the pooling operation. Another
contribution is the eective use of residual block structure in recom-
mender systems, which can ease the optimization for much deeper
networks. The proposed generative model attains state-of-the-art
accuracy with less training time in the session-based recommenda-
tion task. It accordingly can be used as a powerful recommendation
baseline to beat in future, especially when there are long sequences
of user feedback.
Leveraging sequences of user-item interactions (e.g., clicks or pur-
chases) to improve real-world recommender systems has become
increasingly popular in recent years. These sequences are auto-
matically generated when users interact with online systems in
sessions (e.g., shopping session, or music listening session). For
example, users on Last.fm
or Soundcloud
typically enjoy a series
of songs during a certain time period without any interruptions, i.e.,
a listening session. The set of songs played in one session usually
have strong correlations [
], e.g., sharing the same album, artist,
or genre. Accordingly, a good recommender system is supposed to
generate recommendations by taking advantage of these sequential
patterns in the session.
Work performed while at Telefonica Research, Spain.
Preprint. Work in progress.
Embedding Look-up
Convolutional Layers
Max pooling
Feedforward layers
Figure 1: The basic structure of Caser [34]. The red, yellow and blue
regions denotes a
×k and
×k convolution lter respectively,
where k = 5. The purple row stands for the true next item.
A class of models often employed for these sequences of item
interactions are the Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). RNNs typ-
ically generate a softmax output where high probabilities represent
the most relevant recommendations. While eective, these RNN-
based models, such as [
], depend on a hidden state of the
entire past that cannot fully utilize parallel computation within
a sequence [
]. Thus their speed is limited in both training and
By contrast, training CNNs does not depend on the computations
of the previous time step and therefore allow parallelization over
every element in a sequence. Inspired by the successful use of CNNs
in image tasks, a newly proposed sequential recommender, referred
to as Caser [
], abandoned RNN structures, proposing instead
a convolutional sequence embedding model, and demonstrated
that this CNN-based recommender is able to achieve comparable
or superior performance to the popular RNN model in the top-
sequential recommendation task. The basic idea of the convolution
processing is to treat the
t × k
embedding matrix as the “image"
of the previous
interactions in
dimensional latent space and
regard the sequential pattens as local features of the “image". A max
pooling operation that only preserves the maximum value of the
convolutional layer is performed to increase the receptive eld, as
well as dealing with the varying length of input sequences. Fig. 1
depicts the key architecture of Caser.
arXiv:1808.05163v3 [cs.IR] 30 Aug 2018