High energy, single-polarized, single-transverse-mode, nanosecond
pulses generated by a multi-stage Yb-doped photonic crystal fiber
Xinglai Shen, Haitao Zhang
, He Hao, Dan Li, Qinghua Li, Ping Yan, Mali Gong
Center for Photonics and Electronics, State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China
article info
Article history:
Received 18 November 2014
Received in revised form
18 January 2015
Accepted 5 February 2015
Available online 7 February 2015
High energy
Pulsed fiber amplifier
Photonic crystal fiber
We report the construction of a cascaded fiber amplifier where a 40-
m-core-diameter photonic crystal
fiber is utilized in the main amplifier stage. Single-transverse-mode, linearly-polarized, 7.5 ns pulses with
1.5 mJ energy, 123 kW peak power and 10 nm spectral bandwidth centered at 1062 nm are generated. To
our knowledge, the pulse energy we obtain is the highest from 40-
m-core-diameter photonic crystal
fibers, and also the highest for long pulses (4 1 ns) with linear polarization and single transverse mode.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Nanosecond pulses with high energy and high peak power
generated by rare-earth-doped fiber lasers and amplifiers have
widespread applications in military, scientific, medical, and in-
dustrial areas [1,2]. The key technology to obtain those pulses is
the use of fibers with large mode area, which can provide large
extractable pulse energy and increase the achievable peak power
through mitigating detrimental intensity-related nonlinear effects,
e.g., stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated Raman
scattering (SRS) [3].
However high order modes (HOMs) may exist in the large-
mode-area fibers, which degrades the output beam quality. Re-
cently, nanosecond pulses with 50 mJ energy and 4.8 MW peak
power generated by 200
m-core-diameter fiber amplifier have
been reported. More than 200 modes exist in the output pulse and
¼ 25 [4].
To reduce the number of modes in the fiber core, coiling-in-
duced mode-filtering effect can be utilized. By coiling a 200-
core-diameter fiber at an appropriate radius, a signi ficant im-
provement in the output beam quality has been reported that the
beam quality factor M
is reduced from 25 to 6.5 and the corre-
sponding number of propagating transverse modes decreases from
200 to 20 [5]. However, in coiled fibers, the mode field is com-
pressed against the outer edge of the bend, which will offset the
benefits of the large core.
The photonic crystal fiber (PCF), in which an array of hollow
axial channels surrounds the doped core, can obtain intrinsically
single-mode core of much larger size compared to standard fibers.
Fabio Di Teodoro and Christopher D. Brooks have reported 1-mJ
energy, 1-MW peak-power, spectrally-narrow, diffraction-limited
1-ns pulses from a 40-
m-core-diameter photonic-crystal fiber
amplifier [6], and 4.3-mJ energy, 4.5-MW peak-power, spectrally-
narrow, single-transverse-mode 1-ns pulses from a 100-
m core
rodlike PCF amplifier [7].
However, in their results, the pulse duration is less than 1 ns to
suppress the lowest-threshold nonlinearity SBS in fibers [8].For
longer pulse generation (with a few ns duration), we adopt a
broadband super luminiferous diode (SLD) to seed the fiber am-
plifier. On one hand, broad bandwidth is beneficial to increase the
SBS threshold. On the other hand, super-radiation light with non-
longitudinal mode and chaotic mode phase can suppress the
modal interference, and smooth the intensity distribution in the
In this paper, we report the construction of a cascaded fi ber
amplifier where a 40-
m-core-diameter PCF is utilized in the main
amplifier stage. Single-transverse-mode, linearly-polarized, 7.5 ns
pulses with 1.5 mJ energy, 123 kW peak power and 10 nm spectral
bandwidth centered at 1062 nm are generated. To our knowledge,
the pulse energy we obtain is the highest from 40-
meter PCFs, and also the highest for long pulses (4 1 ns) with
linear polarization and single transverse mode.
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Optics Communications
0030-4018/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: zhanghaitao@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn (H. Zhang).
Optics Communications 345 (2015) 168–172