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The document "大学英语六级词汇完整版带音标-乱序版.pdf" provides a comprehensive list of English words, along with their phonetic spellings and definitions. The words range from common to more specialized vocabulary, covering a variety of topics and themes. Starting with the word "described", which means to depict or portray something in words, the list also includes terms like "lawn" (a grassy area), "besides" (in addition to), "transmission" (the process of sending or conveying something), and "bizarre" (strange or unusual). The word "green" is also included, with its various meanings as both a color and a symbol of nature. The document offers a valuable resource for students and language learners looking to expand their vocabulary and improve their understanding of English. By studying and memorizing these words, individuals can enhance their communication skills and better express themselves in both written and spoken English. Overall, the "大学英语六级词汇完整版带音标-乱序版.pdf" document serves as a useful tool for anyone looking to strengthen their English language proficiency and broaden their linguistic knowledge. It presents a diverse range of words and definitions, allowing users to explore the richness and complexity of the English language in a structured and accessible format.