第 31 卷 第 4 期
2014 年 12 月
原 子 核 物 理 评 论
Nuclear Physics Review
Vol. 31, No. 4
Dec. , 2014
Article ID: 1007-4627(2014) 04-0516-06
Single Event Effect in Nano FinFET
LIU Baojun
1, 2
,DONG Zhiguang
,XU Guoqiang
( 1. Department of Aviation Ammunition Engineering, First Aviation College of Air Force,
Xinyang 464000, Henan, China;
2. Science College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710051, China;
3. Military Communication Office of Air Force Equipment Department in Jinan Region, Ji’nan 250002, China )
Abstract:FinFET presents more advantages than current bulk CMOS technologies, such as high
speed, high density, lower power, more functionality and high scalability. A 3D single event effect
model of nano-scale FinFET is simulated by using ISE TCAD. The considered physical models include
mobility model, quantum effect model, recombination model and radiation effect model. The effects
of the doping concentration, gate voltage, ion energy, parasitic capacitor, and technologies nodes on
single event transient current in FinFET are analyzed. The possible mechanisms behind these effects
are also presented. The results indicate some potential hardened technologies. It includes decreasing
source doping concentration, increasing drain and substrate doping concentration, reducing ion energy,
upgrading gate voltage (V
) and optimizing parasitic capacitor.
Key words: FinFET; single event effect; simulation; harden technology
CLC number: TN386.1 Document code: A DOI: 10.11804/NuclPhysRev.31.04.516
1 Introduction
As continued dimensional and functional scal-
ing of CMOS, which eventually will approach fun-
damental limits, many new alternative devices and
microarchitectures for existing or new structures
are being explored to maintain the integrated cir-
cuits shrinking trends cadence and reduction of
cost/function into future decades
. Non-planar
and multi-gate devices, such as FinFET (Fin field
effect transistor)
and gate-all-around (GAA)
allow better channel control due to their
multi-gate structures
[1, 4]
. FinFET is considered as
one of the most promising candidates to replace cur-
rent bulk CMOS technologies for its high speed, high
density, lower power, more functionality and high
[1, 3]
. For some space and military appli-
cations, FinFETs suffer from serious radiation envi-
ronment, which may cause single event effects(SEEs).
In order to achieve a better understanding of SEE on
FinFETs, 3D device simulation tools have been ex-
plored to perform the radiation effect model, which
can accurately simulate SEE in nonplanar nano-
scale devices
[2, 4, 7−13]
. Munteanu et al.
vestigated the influence of quantum confinement
effects on single event transient (SET) of 32 nm
multi-gate nanowire MOSFETs by using 3D quan-
tum numerical simulation. Rathod et al.
ied the effect of gamma radiation on device char-
acteristics of 25-nm n-channel Ω-FinFET, such as
threshold voltage, transfer characteristics, drive cur-
rent, and so on. Turowski et al.
presented a
physics-based 3D device model of FinFET coupled
in mixed-mode with external load circuit and par-
asitic. Qin et al.
studied the temperature and
drain bias dependency of SET in 25-nm FinFET.
The previous works have investigated the effects of
ion position
, technology node scaling
, ion en-
Received date: 25 Dec. 2013; Revised date: 21 Feb. 2014
Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China(11405270, 61172043)
Biography: LIU Baojun(1984–), male, lecturer,working on the field of aviation ammunition.
Email: liubaojun102519@sina.com.