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lignment errors and single-mode fiber (SMF). Numerical calculations and experimental results demonstrate that the three alignment errors have independent effects on the coupling efficiency when the angle Ω between the end face and radial direction is 90° and 270°, and the coupling efficiency reaches the maximum value when Ω=180°. In order to better compensate for the effects of alignment errors on SMF coupling efficiency, a fiber coupler with a 5-degree-of-freedom coupling device based on piezoelectric ceramics is designed. The optimal alignment posture for space light-SMF is found using the variable gain-type stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm. Experimental results show that the 5-degree-of-freedom fiber coupler can effectively correct different alignment errors, and the SMF coupling efficiency reaches 53.2% after system closed-loop control.
2020-01-02 上传
2024-10-28 上传
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