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9780521873345c01.xml CUUK158-Hossain July 1, 2008 17:11
6 High Performance ASIC Design
The AND gate shown in Figure 1.3 can be used to illustrate the functionality, the
speed advantage, and also some of the challenges involved in using this logic family. In
Figure 1.3 it can be seen that the two functional inputs, A and B, are also attended by the
clock signal, Clk. At first glance this may seem strange, since an AND gate should be
a purely combinational circuit, which unlike latches and flip-flops does not require the
presence of the clock signal. Domino logic is, however, a clocked logic family, which
means that every single logic gate has a clock signal present. When the clock signal
turns low, node N0 (which is called the evaluation or internal node – some authors refer
to it as the dynamic node) goes high, causing the output of the gate to go low. This
represents the only mechanism for the gate output to go low once it has been driven high.
The operating period of the cell when its input clock and output are low is called the
precharge phase or cycle. The next phase, when the clock is high, is called the evaluate
phase or cycle. During the evaluate phase the output of the domino AND cell can go high
provided that both inputs A and B are high, which causes the evaluation node, N0, to be
driven to a low value. The evaluate phase is the functional operating phase in domino
cells, with the precharge phase enabling the next evaluate phase to occur. The appropriate
application of the clock signal ensures that the critical path in domino cells only traverses
through cells in the evaluate phase. One of the advantages of domino logic over static
logic can also be garnered from the schematic in Figure 1.3. Since the domino cell only
switches from a low to a high direction, there is no need for the inputs A and B to drive
any pull-up PMOS transistors. The lack of a PMOS transistor means that the effective
transistor width that loads down a previous stage of logic, for a particular current drive,
favors domino over static logic. This is critical since the key to high speed is ensuring
that a speed advantage can be gained without loading down the cell greatly [10]. For
example, if a design is constructed with a set of cells with transistors of a certain size,
replacing the transistors in every cell with ones ten times larger will almost certainly lead
to a design that is faster. Provided that the initial design is properly sized, i.e., without
weak cells which have very long rise or fall times, the new design will not, however, be
ten times faster. The reason for this is that, while the drive strengths of each cell have
increased by a factor of 10, the output loading due to the input transistor capacitance
seen by each cell has also increased by approximately a factor of 10. Since larger cells
are now used in the design, its area will be larger, leading to greater wiring capacitance.
Thus, while speed gains can be achieved by optimizing cell drives, the indiscriminate
increase in drive strengths tends to limit the improvement in speed due to the increased
In order to see how domino logic alters the relationship between input capacitance and
output drive strength, compared with an equivalent static cell, the reader is directed to
Figure 1.4.Astatic buffer is shown in the figure, with input PMOS and NMOS transistor
widths of 2 µm and 1 µm, respectively. Assuming that the gate capacitance of a PMOS
and NMOS transistor is the same per unit micrometer of transistor width, the total load
seen by the cell driving the buffer is 3 µmoftransistor gate width. For a domino cell it
is possible to construct a buffer with the same drive strength but which has only 1 µm
of transistor width as input capacitance. Alternately, with the same input capacitance
it is possible to build a stronger and faster domino buffer. This is shown in Figure 1.4,