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区块链技术是近年来备受瞩目的分布式数据库系统,它最初由Melanie Swan在其著作《Blockchain Blueprint for a New Economy》中详细介绍。这本书分为五个主要章节,探讨了区块链的不同发展阶段及其应用潜力。 1. **Blockchain 1.0: Currency (货币)** 这一阶段的核心是比特币(Bitcoin),它是区块链技术的第一个广泛应用,解决了双重支付(Double-Spend)和拜占庭将军问题(Byzantine Generals’ Problem)。书中解释了数字货币如何运作,包括电子钱包服务和个人加密安全的重要性,以及商户接受比特币的挑战。此外,作者还讨论了区块链1.0在实践中的运用,以及它与传统法币(如美元、欧元等)的关系,以及监管层面的现状。 2. **Blockchain 2.0: Contracts (智能合约)** 从货币领域扩展,Swan介绍了智能合约的概念,这是一种自动执行的合约,利用区块链技术确保其不可篡改性和透明度。这标志着区块链技术向更复杂的商业交易流程的迈进,如供应链管理、产权登记等。 3. **Blockchain 3.0: Justice and Beyond** 进一步拓展,区块链3.0关注其在司法领域的应用,超越货币、经济和市场,涉及法律文件验证、身份认证、公证等,旨在提高效率和协调性,构建一个公正且透明的社会基础设施。 4. **Efficiency and Coordination Applications** 区块链技术不仅限于金融,还在数据管理、物联网(IoT)、公共服务等领域展现协调和优化的能力,比如供应链跟踪、能源交易等。 5. **Advanced Concepts (高级概念)** Swan深入探讨了诸如去中心化身份验证、零知识证明等高级概念,这些都是区块链技术未来发展的关键要素。 6. **Limitations (局限性)** 书中的每个阶段都包含了对区块链技术的局限性的分析,如扩展性问题、隐私保护、法规遵从等,使读者全面理解其潜力和挑战。 7. **Conclusion (结论)** 结论部分总结了区块链作为第五代计算范式的可能性,指出其在未来经济和社会结构中扮演的角色,以及Melanie Swan作为区块链研究机构创始人对于其深远影响的展望。 通过阅读Melanie Swan的这本书,读者不仅可以了解到区块链的基础知识,还能预见这项技术如何改变我们的经济体系和商业模式,以及如何应对随之而来的监管挑战。随着区块链的不断进化,这本书成为理解和应用这一革命性技术的重要资源。
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Blockchain for Enterprise: An end-to-end guide to creating fast, scalable and robust enterprise decentralized applications Implement blockchain principles in your choice of domain using Ethereum Key Features Build permissioned enterprise-grade blockchain applications from scratch Implement Blockchain-as-a-Service to enterprises in terms of deployment and security Achieve privacy in blockchains using proxy re-encryption algorithms Book Description The increasing growth in blockchain use is enormous, and it is changing the way business is done. Many leading organizations are already exploring the potential of blockchain. With this book, you will learn to build end-to-end enterprise-level decentralized applications and scale them across your organization to meet your company's needs. This book will help you understand what DApps are and how the blockchain ecosystem works, via real-world examples. This extensive end-to-end book covers every blockchain aspect for business and for developers. You will master process flows and incorporate them into your own enterprise. You will learn how to use J.P. Morgan's Quorum to build blockchain-based applications. You will also learn how to write applications that can help communicate enterprise blockchain solutions. You will learn how to write smart contracts that run without censorship and third-party interference. Once you've grasped what a blockchain is and have learned about Quorum, you will jump into building real-world practical blockchain applications for sectors such as payment and money transfer, healthcare, cloud computing, supply chain management, and much more. What you will learn Learn how to set up Raft/IBFT Quorum networks Implement Quorum's privacy and security features Write, compile, and deploy smart contracts Learn to interact with Quorum using the web3.js JavaScript library Learn how to execute atomic swaps between different networks Build a secured Blockchain-as-a-Service for efficient business processes A
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