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"《Linux Kernel Development 2nd ed》是一本由Robert Love撰写,由Sams Publishing于2005年1月12日出版的专业书籍,其ISBN号码为0-672-32720-1,共包含432页。本书是关于Linux内核开发的权威指南,针对Linux 2.6内核及其新特性提供了深入且实用的信息。作为Novell内部专家的视角,作者全面剖析了Linux内核的各种主要子系统,包括算法、系统调用接口、分页策略和内核同步等核心概念。
通过阅读《Linux Kernel Development 2nd ed》,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能获得宝贵的学习资料和深入理解Linux内核所需的关键技能。该书不仅仅是一份技术手册,更是一个洞察Linux内核世界变化的窗口,对于那些致力于Linux系统或内核研究的人员来说,是一本不可或缺的参考书。"
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After three decades of use, the unix operating system is still regarded as one of the most powerful and elegant
systems in existence. Since the creation of Unix in 1969, the brainchild of Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson has
become a creature of legends, a system whose design has withstood the test of time with few bruises to its
Unix grew out of Multics, a failed multiuser operating system project in which Bell Laboratories was involved.
With the Multics project terminated, members of Bell Laboratories' Computer Sciences Research Center were left
without a capable interactive operating system. In the summer of 1969, Bell Lab programmers sketched out a file
system design that ultimately evolved into Unix. Testing their design, Thompson implemented the new system on
an otherwise idle PDP-7. In 1971, Unix was ported to the PDP-11, and in 1973, the operating system was
rewritten in C, an unprecedented step at the time, but one that paved the way for future portability. The first
Unix widely used outside of Bell Labs was Unix System, Sixth Edition, more commonly called V6.
Other companies ported Unix to new machines. Accompanying these ports were enhancements that resulted in
several variants of the operating system. In 1977, Bell Labs released a combination of these variants into a
single system, Unix System III; in 1982, AT&T released System V
What about System IV? The rumor is it was an internal development version.
The simplicity of Unix's design, coupled with the fact that it was distributed with source code, led to further
development at outside organizations. The most influential of these contributors was the University of California
at Berkeley. Variants of Unix from Berkeley are called Berkeley Software Distributions (BSD). The first Berkeley
Unix was 3BSD in 1979. A series of 4BSD releases, 4.0BSD, 4.1BSD, 4.2BSD, and 4.3BSD, followed 3BSD. These
versions of Unix added virtual memory, demand paging, and TCP/IP. In 1993, the final official Berkeley Unix,
featuring a rewritten VM, was released as 4.4BSD. Today, development of BSD continues with the Darwin,
Dragonfly BSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD systems.
In the 1980s and 1990s, multiple workstation and server companies introduced their own commercial versions of
Unix. These systems were typically based on either an AT&T or Berkeley release and supported high-end
features developed for their particular hardware architecture. Among these systems were Digital's Tru64,
Hewlett Packard's HP-
UX, IBM's AIX, Sequent's DYNIX/ptx, SGI's IRIX, and Sun's Solaris.
The original elegant design of the Unix system, along with the years of innovation and evolutionary improvement
that followed, have made Unix a powerful, robust, and stable operating system. A handful of characteristics of
Unix are responsible for its resilience. First, Unix is simple: Whereas some operating systems implement
thousands of system calls and have unclear design goals, Unix systems typically implement only hundreds of
system calls and have a very clear design. Next, in Unix, everything is a file
. This simplifies the manipulation of
data and devices into a set of simple system calls: open(), read(), write(), ioctl(), and close(). In
addition, the Unix kernel and related system utilities are written in Ca property that gives Unix its amazing
portability and accessibility to a wide range of developers. Next, Unix has fast process creation time and the
fork() system call. This encourages strongly partitioned systems without gargantuan multi-threaded
monstrosities. Finally, Unix provides simple yet robust interprocess communication (IPC) primitives that, when
coupled with the fast process creation time, allow for the creation of simple utilities that do one thing and do it
and that can be strung together to accomplish more complicated tasks.
Well, okay, not everythingbut much is represented as a file. Modern operating systems, such as Unix's successor at Bell Labs, Plan9,
implement nearly everything as a file.
Today, Unix is a modern operating system supporting multitasking, multithreading, virtual memory, demand
paging, shared libraries with demand loading, and TCP/IP networking. Many Unix variants scale to hundreds of
processors, whereas other Unix systems run on small, embedded devices. Although Unix is no longer a research
project, Unix systems continue to benefit from advances in operating system design while they remain practical
and general
-purpose operating systems.
Unix owes its success to the simplicity and elegance of its design. Its strength today lies in the early decisions
that Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, and other early developers made: choices that have endowed Unix with the
capability to evolve without compromising itself.
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