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The landscape design concept for Xuzhou Northern Joint-stock Hospital is inspired by the hexagonal shape of the hospital main building, resembling a beehive and honeycombs. This design concept symbolizes unity, cooperation, and organization, mirroring the efficient and structured nature of a beehive. The landscape is divided into different functional zones, including the emergency department square area, outpatient garden area, inpatient department water garden area, inpatient department herbal garden area, office garden area, and rooftop garden area.
In terms of planting strategy, a variety of plant species are selected to create a diverse and colorful environment that promotes healing and relaxation. The materials used in the landscape design are carefully chosen to ensure durability, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal. Lighting strategy is essential to enhance the overall atmosphere of the landscape, with a focus on creating a safe and inviting environment for patients, visitors, and staff. Signage strategy is designed to provide clear directions and information throughout the hospital grounds.
Furniture and fixtures are strategically placed to provide comfort and convenience for users, with a focus on creating inviting seating areas and social spaces. Static traffic strategy is implemented to ensure smooth and efficient circulation throughout the hospital grounds, with designated drop-off and pick-up areas for patients and visitors.
Overall, the landscape design for Xuzhou Northern Joint-stock Hospital is thoughtfully planned and executed to create a welcoming and healing environment that complements the modern and innovative architecture of the hospital main building. It combines elements of nature, sustainability, and functionality to enhance the overall experience for patients, visitors, and staff, making it a soothing and aesthetically pleasing oasis in the heart of the city.
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