Continuous wave dual-wavelength Nd:YVO
laser working at 1064 and 1066 nm
Shuaijun Zhou (周帅军), Peng Gu (谷 鹏), Xiaoli Li (李小丽)*, and Shibing Liu (刘世炳)
Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
*Corresponding author:
Received January 20, 2017; accepted March 24, 2017; posted online April 10, 2017
We demonstrate a continuous-wave (CW) dual-wavelength Nd:YVO
laser working at 1064 and 1066 nm si-
multaneously. The method of Nd:YVO
crystal angle tuning is used to balance the ratio of the stimulated emis-
sion cross sections of the two wavelengths, leading to the realization of a simultaneous dual-wavelength
operation from only one laser. The experimental results show that at a 2.85 W pump power, the maximum
output powers at wavelengths of 1064 and 1066 nm are 0.55 and 0.54 W, respectively. The linear resonate cavity
is as short as 10 mm, which gives the laser the advantages of a miniature configuration and low threshold. Such a
dual-wavelength laser can be very attractive for the development of compact THz sources based on difference
frequency generation.
OCIS codes: 140.3580, 1403615, 1403600.
doi: 10.3788/COL201715.071401.
The generation of terahertz (THz) radiation has gained
rising interest due to its potential to be widely used in
medicine, biology, homeland security, and other applica-
. However, the uptake of THz technologies is ham-
pered by a lack of powerful and cost-effective sources. In
the past decade, there has been a large amount of activities
focusing on the development of compact THz laser
sources. One of the most practical and efficient methods
is based on optical frequency mixing within conventional
Nd lasers. The employed nonlinear conversion processes
include difference frequency generation (DFG), optical
parametric oscillation (OPO), and stimulated polariton
scattering (SPS)
. In this Letter, we are concerned with
simultaneous dual-wavelength operation in an Nd laser
used for the DFG method.
To reach simultaneous dual-wavelength emission from
only one Nd laser, three main frequency controlling routes
have been utilized. The first one stimulates two transitions
from different energy levels in a laser crystal to generate
dual-wavelength emissions with a relatively large fre-
quency separation on the scale of 10 THz, such as 1.06
and 1.3 μm
. The second one focuses on one transition
with Stark splitting of involved energy levels, which can
generate dual-wavelength emissions with a relatively
small frequency separation on the scale of 0.1 THz, such
as 1063 and 1066 nm
. The third one stimulates a
fundamental wavelength and then shifts it to another
wavelength by some nonlinear process, such as stimulated
Raman scattering
and SPS
, which can generate dual-
wavelength emission with a several THz frequency sepa-
ration. In 2011, Sirotkin et al.
reported continuous-wave
(CW) tuning of a c-cut Nd:YVO
laser from 1062 to
1067 nm, and radiation at 1062 and 1066 nm was also ob-
tained. Zhao et al.
reported a THz source with orthogo-
nal linearly polarized lasers at 1047 and 1053 nm by using
an Nd:YLF crystal as the active gain medium. In 2013,
control of laser emissions by selecting crystal orientations
was used to get emission wavelengths in the range of 1061
to 1068 nm
. Reference [12] realized an Nd:YLF laser at a
cryogenic temperature with orthogonally polarized simul-
taneous emission at 1047 and 1053 nm. More recently,
equalized the emission cross sections at 1047
and 1053 nm by adjusting the propagation direction
out of the principal axes. Lin et al.
employed a simple
glass etalon to modulate the intra-cavity losses to achieve
multi-wavelength linearly polarized Nd:YVO
lasers at
1062, 1064, and 1066 nm. According to the reported
experimental results
, the stability of the output
power and the conversion efficiency of the above dual-
wavelength lasers need to be improved by a special cavity
design, advanced mirror coating, or by using additional
optical elements, such as an intracavity etalon and a
polarization beam splitter. Those with orthogonal linearly
polarized laser
outputs could be very interesting, but
their applications have been limited by relatively complex
laser configurations, extreme temperature conditions, and
additional losses.
In this Letter, we choose an Nd:YVO
crystal to build a
diode-end-pumped CW dual-wavelength laser running
at 1064 and 1066 nm simultaneously, with the considera-
tion of ideal optical and physical characteristics of
the Nd:YVO
crystal for a multi-wavelength laser
. In our experiments, the optimum oscilla-
tion condition for the dual-wavelength operation was
achieved by tuning the angle between the c-axis of
crystal and the polarization direction of the
pump light. The maximum output powers at a 2.85 W
pump power were 0.55 and 0.54 W at wavelengths of
1064 and 1066 nm, respectively. The linear and short laser
cavities brought our dual-wavelength laser obvious advan-
tages of compact configuration and low threshold, which
are attractive for practical THz sources based on DFG.
COL 15(7), 071401(2017) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2017
1671-7694/2017/071401(5) 071401-1 © 2017 Chinese Optics Letters