第2 4 卷第4 期
2013年 8月
Journal of Water Resources & W ater Engineering
Vol. 24 No. 4
Aug. ,2013
刘登峰1,黄 强 1,林 木 2
( 1 . 西安理工大学水利水电学院,陕西省西北旱区生态水利工程重点实验室,陕 西西安 710048;
2.中央财经大学应用数学学院,北京 100081)
摘 要 :随着2000年以来塔里木河下游生态输水的实施,塔里木河下游的河岸植被得到了一定程度的恢复。基于
M O D I S 遥感数据的N D V I 值,对塔里木河英苏断面2000 — 2012年的植被变化规律进行了分析。借助这个数据集
的高空间分辨率的优势,选择了离河岸1 500 m 内相邻的6 个点进行研究。使用数据集内的质量控制字段从2000
一2012年间的2 96 景中筛选出有效数据用于分析。N D V I 的序列分析显示,距河岸1 000 m 以内的C 3 、C 5 、C 6 、C7
等 4 个点的N D V I 呈显著的增长趋势,C 3 点 N D V I 的平均增长率达到5. 3 4 X 10 6/d。在远离河道的方向上,从 C3
到 C 7 的N D V I 年平均值逐渐减小。C 3 、C 5 、C 6 和 C 7 点的年N D V I 相对增长率平均值在3. 3 3 % 〜 1. 36% 。在分
别离河岸1 150 m 和 1 500 m 的 C 8 和 C 9 点,N D V I 没有显著的变化。生态输水能够对植被有补偿作用的河岸两
侧的范围很有限,生态输水显著改善植被的范围是距离河岸约1 000 m 以内。
中图分类号:X171.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672- 643X(2013)04- 0032- 05
Study on the vegetation dynamic of Tarim River based
on the remote sensing data
L I U Dengfeng , H U A N G Qiang1 , L I N M u 2
(1. ^^^^^yd rau lic Engineering in S h a an xi, F aulty o f W ater Resources and
H y d r o Potejer,Xi'aw U w i 幻ersity o / T e d m o Z o g y ,Xi'an 710048,China; 2. School o f A pplied
Mat/iernatics,Central U w i 幻ersi tyo /Fi nan ce an d E con om ic s,Beijing 100081,C 凡ina)
Abstract : After the implication of ecological water transfers in L o w e r T a r i m River since 2 0 0 0 ,the
riparian vegetation in L o w e r T a r i m River is restored. Based on the N D V I o f M O D I S remo t e ^en^-
ing data,the vegetation d y n ami c a t Y i n g s u in T a r i m River f ro m 2000 to 2012 is analyzed. W i t h
the help of the advantage of high spatial resolution of N D V I data,6 contiguous pointswithin the
distance of 1 5 0 0 m a w a y fro m the b a n k are selected to investigate. T h e data field of pixel reliabil--
ty in the data set is e m p l oy e d to screen the valid data fr o m 296 images of 2000 — 2012. T h e analy
sis of the N D V I series suggests that, the N D V I of 4 point, i. e. C 3 ,C 5 , C 6 an d C 7 , within
1 0 0 0 m a w a y fr o m the b a n k , present notable increasing trend, an d the average N D V I increasing
rate of C 3 is 5. 3 4 X 1 0 — h/day. In the direction a w a y f r o m the b a n k ,annual N D V I f ro m C 3 to C 7
decrease gradually. T h e average relative increase rate of annual N D V I of C 3 ,C 5 ,C 6 a n d C 7 are
in the range of 3. 3 3 ' 〜 1. 3 6 % . A t C 8 a n d C 9 ,w hi c h are 1 1 5 0 m a n d 1 5 0 0 m a w a y f r o m the ba n k
respectively,the N D V I don't have obvious change. T h e spatial extent near the river w h e r e the ec
ological water transfers have a restoration effect o n the riparian vegetation is limited a n d the ex-
t e n t w h e r e the riparian vegetation is notablely restored b y the ecological water transfers is within
about 1 0 0 0 m a w a y f r o m t h e river bank.
Key words: riparian vegetation; vegetation index; arid region; remot e sensing data; T a r i m River
收稿日期:2013- 05- 1 6 ; 修回日期:2013- 05- 29