精通WPF 4.5:C#实战指南,打造卓越Windows应用

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"Apress.Pro.WPF.4.5.in.C#.4th.Edition" 是一本深度解析Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)在C#中应用的专业指南,专为开发者提供Windows操作系统上高级用户界面设计的全面教程。本书共1112页,于2012年11月出版,适合第四版的读者,语言为英语,拥有两个ISBN号码。 本书的核心内容覆盖了WPF编程的基础到进阶,让读者从头开始建立坚实的理论基础。作者以C#作为切入点,通过实例演示和实用建议,帮助你掌握从XAML(一种基于XML的声明式编程语言)到控件设计,以及数据流管理等基础知识。通过实际操作,读者将学会如何在WPF中构建功能丰富的应用程序,包括但不限于: 1. 理解WPF编程基础:深入理解XAML语法,掌握如何利用它来设计UI布局,以及与C#代码的交互,实现动态和响应式的用户界面。 2. 开发实践场景:书中会提供一系列现实世界的项目案例,展示如何在应用中实现导航、本地化和部署策略,让你在实践中学习并提升技能。 3. 探索先进控件:读者将有机会探索WPF提供的高级用户界面控件,如自定义控件、动画、数据绑定和 MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel)架构,这些都是提升用户体验的关键元素。 4. 文档管理:书中涵盖了如何在WPF中有效地管理文档,包括文本排版、打印功能以及文档打包,这对于开发涉及文档交互的应用至关重要。 5. 图形与多媒体:通过本书,你还将学习如何利用图形、图像处理和多媒体技术增强应用的视觉效果,提升用户的交互体验。 "Pro.WPF.4.5.in.C#.4th.Edition"是一本全面且实用的指南,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发人员,都能从中收获关于WPF和C#结合的深入理解和实际操作技巧,帮助你在Windows平台开发出高效、优雅的用户界面应用。
2014-02-17 上传
Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides you with a development framework for building high-quality user experiences for the Windows operating system. It blends together rich content from a wide range of sources and allows you unparalleled access to the processing power of your Windows computer. Pro WPF 4.5 in C# provides a thorough, authoritative guide to how WPF really works. Packed with no-nonsense examples and practical advice you'll learn everything you need to know in order to use WPF in a professional setting. The book begins by building a firm foundation of elementary concepts, using your existing C# skills as a frame of reference, before moving on to discuss advanced concepts and demonstrate them in a hands-on way that emphasizes the time and effort savings that can be gained. What you’ll learn •Understand the fundamentals of WPF programming from XAML to controls and data flow. •Develop realistic application scenarios to see navigation, localization and deployment in action. •Explore the advanced user interface controls that WPF provides. •Learn to manage documents from within WPF: Text layout, printing, and document packaging are all covered. •Use graphics and multimedia to add punch to your applications Who this book is for This book is designed for developers encountering WPF for the first time in their professional lives. A working knowledge of C# and the basic architecture of .NET is helpful to follow the examples easily, but all concepts will be explained from the ground up. Table of Contents 01.Introducing WPF 02.XAML 03.Layout 04.Dependency Properties 05.Routed Events 06.Controls 07.The Application 08.Element Binding 09.Commands 10.Resources 11.Styles and Behaviors 12.Shapes, Brushes, and Transforms 13.Geometries and Drawings 14.Effects and Visuals 15.Animation Basics 16.Advanced Animation 17.Control Templates 18.Custom Elements 19.Data Binding 20.Formatting 21.Bound Data 22.Data Views 23.Lists, Trees, and Grids 24.Windows Pages and Navigation 25.Menus, Toolbars, and Ribbons 26. Sound and Video 27.3-D Drawing 28.Documents 29. Printing 30.Interacting with Windows Forms 31.Multithreading 32.The Add-in Model 33.ClickOnce Deployment ----------------------------------------------------------- Pro WPF 4th edition,喜欢的朋友请支持正版。