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"《实战数据包分析:利用Wireshark解决实际网络问题》是一本由Chris Sanders编写的关于网络分析的书籍,旨在教授读者如何使用Wireshark工具解决实际遇到的网络问题。" 《实战数据包分析:利用Wireshark解决实际网络问题》这本书深入浅出地介绍了Wireshark这款强大的网络协议分析工具。Wireshark是网络故障排查、性能优化、安全审计等领域的必备利器,它能捕获并解析网络数据包,帮助用户理解网络通信的细节。 书中的内容主要围绕以下几个知识点展开: 1. **Wireshark基础**:首先,读者将了解Wireshark的基本界面和功能,包括如何启动和配置Wireshark,以及如何过滤和浏览捕获的数据包。 2. **网络协议基础**:书中涵盖了TCP/IP协议栈的主要协议,如Ethernet、IP、TCP、UDP、DNS等,解释了它们的工作原理和常见字段含义,使读者能理解数据包的结构和意义。 3. **数据包分析技巧**:作者详细讲解了如何使用Wireshark进行深度数据包分析,包括跟踪TCP流、分析HTTP交互、查找网络延迟原因等实用技能。 4. **网络安全**:书中涉及了网络安全方面的内容,如识别和分析潜在的网络攻击,如嗅探、中间人攻击、SQL注入等,并介绍如何利用Wireshark进行防护。 5. **故障诊断**:通过实例,读者将学习如何利用Wireshark诊断网络连接问题,例如丢包、拥塞、路由问题等,并提供解决方案。 6. **实战应用**:书中包含了一系列的实际案例,如解决邮件系统问题、优化VoIP通信、调试应用程序网络行为等,帮助读者将理论知识应用到实际工作中。 7. **高级话题**:对于有经验的读者,书中还讨论了更高级的主题,如使用Wireshark进行性能调优、编写自定义捕获过滤器和显示过滤器,以及与其他网络分析工具的集成。 8. **技术审阅**:值得一提的是,本书的技术审阅人为Gerald Combs,他是Wireshark项目的创始人,确保了内容的专业性和准确性。 通过阅读这本书,无论是网络管理员、开发人员还是对网络感兴趣的个人,都能提升自己的网络分析能力,有效解决实际工作中的网络问题。书中的实例和练习提供了丰富的实践机会,让读者在动手操作中加深理解,真正掌握Wireshark的使用。
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Practical Packet Analysis: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems by Chris Sanders English | 28 Mar. 2017 | ASIN: B06XX74R1X | 368 Pages | AZW3 | 24.73 MB Wireshark is the world's most popular network sniffer that makes capturing packets easy, but it won't be much help if you don't have a solid foundation in packet analysis. Practical Packet Analysis, 3rd Edition will show you how to make sense of your PCAP data and let you start troubleshooting the problems on your network. This third edition is updated for Wireshark 2.0.5 and IPV6, making it the definitive guide to packet analysis and a must for any network technician, administrator, or engineer. This updated version includes two new chapters that will teach you how to use the powerful command-line packet analyzers tcpdump and TShark as well as how to read and reference packet values using a packet map. Practical Packet Analysis will introduce you to the basics of packet analysis, starting with how networks work and how packets travel along the wire. Then you'll move onto navigating packets and using Wireshark to capture and analyze packets. The book then covers common lower-layer and upper-layer protocols and provides you with real-world scenarios like Internet connectivity issues, how to capture social media traffic, and fighting a slow network. You'll learn how to: Monitor your network in real-time and tap live network communications Recognize common network protocols including TCP, IPv4 and IPv6, SMTP, and ARP Build customized capture and display filters to quickly navigate through large numbers of packets Troubleshoot and resolve common network problems like loss of connectivity, DNS issues, and sluggish speeds with packet analysis Understand how modern exploits and malware behave at the packet level Carve out data in a packet to retrieve the actual files sent across the network Graph traffic patterns to visualize the data flowing across your network Use advanced Wireshark features to under