
0 下载量 110 浏览量 更新于2024-03-27 收藏 1.33MB PPTX 举报
PVD coating technology, which stands for physical vapor deposition, is a method that utilizes certain physical processes such as thermal evaporation or sputtering to achieve controlled transfer of atoms from a source material to a deposited coating. This process occurs at the molecular and atomic scale, making it a precise and efficient method for coating deposition. PVD coating technology is known for its advantages such as low deposition temperature, minimal impact on the substrate, ability to produce multi-layered composite nano-coatings, and environmentally friendly properties. This study provides a brief overview of the development, working principles, and applications of PVD coating technology for tools, specifically focusing on tool coating. The key aspects discussed include PVD tool coating, sputtering, and nano-composite structures. The development of PVD coating technology has significantly improved the performance and lifespan of cutting tools, making them more efficient and durable in various industrial applications. Overall, the advancement and application of PVD coating technology have revolutionized the way tools are coated and utilized in different industries, offering a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and high-performance solution for improving tool functionality and longevity.