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《Haskell编程:2016年第二版》是一本经典的函数式编程语言教程,由经验丰富的教授Graham Hutton撰写,他有着超过二十年的教学经验。Haskell作为一种纯函数式语言,强调代码的清晰、简洁和正确性,近年来在教学和业界都得到了广泛的认可。 本书的第一部分(Part I)是基础篇,主要围绕Haskell的核心特性展开,为读者提供从零开始学习的坚实基础。作者以基本概念为核心,从原理出发进行讲解,即使没有编程背景的读者也能轻松上手,使得这本书成为面向广大读者群体的理想教材。章节内包含大量的编程实例,以及配套的练习题和进一步阅读的建议,帮助读者逐步掌握语言的各个方面。 第二部分(Part II)则深入探讨了不纯编程和一系列高级主题。随着技术的发展,这本书在新的版本中进行了大量更新和扩展,增添了Haskell的最新特性和功能,例如更复杂的Applicative、Monad、Foldable和Traversable类型等。这些新内容不仅提升了读者的专业技能,也为实际项目开发提供了前瞻性的指导。 此外,新版本还提供了精选的解决方案、可免费下载的讲座幻灯片和示例代码,使得学习者能够跟随书中的指导进行实践,加深对理论知识的理解。Graham Hutton教授以其丰富的教学经验和生动的授课风格,确保了这本书在保持学术严谨性的同时,也具有易读性和实用性。 《Programming in Haskell 2016年第二版》是一本全面且与时俱进的Haskell学习指南,无论你是初学者还是进阶开发者,都能从中收获丰富的知识和实践经验,助力你在函数式编程的世界中游刃有余。
2019-03-07 上传
看到很多版本都是没书签的,所以就自己添了书签造福一下大家 小小劳动成果,还请尊重,若有错误还请多指教w Abstraction: Programming in Haskell Second Edition Haskell is a purely functional language that allows programmers to rapidly develop clear, concise and correct software. The language has grown in popularity in recent years, both in teaching and in industry. This book is based on the author’s experience of teaching Haskell for more than 20 years. All concepts are explained from first principles and no programming experience isrequired, making this book accessible to a broad spectrum of readers. While Part I focuses on basic concepts, Part II introduces the reader to more advanced topics. This new edition has been extensively updated and expanded to include recent and more advanced features of Haskell, new examples and exercises, selected solutions, and freely downloadable lecture slides and code. The presentation is clean and simple, while also being fully compliant with the latest version of the language, including recent changes concerning applicative, monadic, foldable and traversable types. GRAHAM HUTTON is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham. He has taught Haskell to thousands of students and received numerous best lecturer awards. Hutton has served as an editor of the Journal of Functional Programming, chair of the Haskell Symposium and the International Conference on Functional Programming, vice-chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages, and he is an ACM Distinguished Scientist.