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© 2006 ACM 0730-0301/06/0700- $5.00 0541
Appearance-Space Texture Synthesis
Sylvain Lefebvre Hugues Hoppe
Microsoft Research
Exemplar E Transformed
Isometric synthesis Anisometric synthesis Synthesis in atlas domain Textured surface Radiance-transfer syn.
Figure 1: Transforming an exemplar into an 8D appearance space
improves synthesis quality and enables new real-time functionalities.
Color space
Appearance space
dim. red.
texture synthesis
Figure 2: Overview of synthesis using exemplar transformation.
The traditional approach in texture synthesis is to compare color
neighborhoods with those of an exemplar. We show that quality
is greatly improved if pointwise colors are replaced by appearance
vectors that incorporate nonlocal information such as feature and
radiance-transfer data. We perform dimensionality reduction on
these vectors prior to synthesis, to create a new appearance-space
exemplar. Unlike a texton space, our appearance space is low-
dimensional and Euclidean. Synthesis in this information-rich
space lets us reduce runtime neighborhood vectors from 5×5 grids
to just 4 locations. Building on this unifying framework, we
introduce novel techniques for coherent anisometric synthesis,
surface texture synthesis directly in an ordinary atlas, and texture
advection. Remarkably, we achieve all these functionalities in
real-time, or 3 to 4 orders of magnitude faster than prior work.
Keywords: exemplar-based synthesis, surface textures, feature-based
synthesis, anisometric synthesis, dimensionality reduction, RTT synthesis.
1. Introduction
We describe a new framework for exemplar-based texture synthe-
sis (Figure 1). Our main idea is to transform an exemplar image E
from the traditional space of pixel colors to a space of appearance
vectors, and then perform synthesis in this transformed space
(Figure 2). Specifically, we compute a high-dimensional appear-
ance vector at each pixel to form an appearance-space image E′,
and map E′ onto a low-dimensional transformed exemplar
using principal component analysis (PCA) or nonlinear dimen-
sionality reduction. Using
as the exemplar, we synthesize an
image S of exemplar coordinates. Finally, we return E[S] which
accesses the original exemplar, rather than
The idea of exemplar transformation is simple, but has broad
implications. As we shall see, it improves synthesis quality and
enables new functionalities while maintaining fast performance.
Several prior synthesis schemes use appearance vectors. Heeger
and Bergen [1995], De Bonet [1997], and Portilla and Simoncelli
[2000] evaluate steerable filters on image pyramids. Malik et al
[1999] use multiscale Gaussian derivative filters, and apply
clustering to form discrete textons. Tong et al [2002] and Magda
and Kriegman [2003] synthesize texture by examining inter-
texton distances. However, textons have two drawbacks: the
clustering introduces discretization errors, and the distance metric
requires costly access to a large inner-product matrix. In contrast,
our approach defines an appearance space that is continuous, low-
dimensional, and has a trivial Euclidean metric.
The appearance vector at an image pixel should capture the local
structure of the texture, so that each pixel of the transformed
provides an information-rich encoding for effective
synthesis (Section 3). We form the appearance vector using:
• Neighborhood information, to encode not just pointwise attrib-
utes but local spatial patterns including gradients.
• Feature information, to faithfully recover structural texture
elements not captured by local L
• Radiance transfer, to synthesize material with consistent meso-
scale self-shadowing properties.
Because exemplar transformation is a preprocess, incorporating
the neighborhood, feature, and radiance-transfer information has
little cost. Moreover, the dimensionality reduction encodes all the
information concisely using exemplar-adapted basis functions,
rather than generic steerable filters.
In addition we present the following contributions:
• We show that exemplar transformation permits parallel pixel-
based synthesis using a runtime neighborhood vector of just 4
spatial points (Section 4), whereas prior schemes require at least
5×5 neighborhoods (and often larger for complex textures).
• We design a scheme for high-quality anisometric synthesis.
The key idea is to maintain texture coherence by only accessing
immediate pixel neighbors, and to transform their synthesized
coordinates according to a desired Jacobian field (Section 5).
• We create surface texture by performing anisometric synthesis
directly in the parametric domain of an ordinary texture atlas.
Because our synthesis algorithm accesses only immediate pixel
neighbors, we can jump across atlas charts using an indirection
map to form seamless texture. Prior state-of-the-art schemes