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Based on the research of "Simulation of Spread Spectrum Communication System Based on Matlab", this study focuses on the development and application of spread spectrum communication technology. It traces the evolution of spread spectrum communication technology from its inception in the 1950s to its widespread use in the 1980s, particularly in military communication systems. The study highlights the significance of CDMA technology in modern spread spectrum communication systems, with a particular focus on direct sequence spread spectrum technology in civilian communication.
The research delves into the fundamental principles, key performance indicators, and operational characteristics of spread spectrum communication technology. Utilizing the Shannon theorem and the potential anti-interference theory proposed by Cohn, the study employs the Simulink simulation platform provided by MATLAB to simulate a direct sequence spread spectrum communication system. A detailed simulation model is constructed, outlining the design of various modules and highlighting key considerations in simulation modeling.
Under the specified simulation conditions, the simulation program is executed to obtain the expected simulation results, with a focus on parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio. The study concludes with insights on the simulation results, emphasizing the importance of spread spectrum communication technology in modern telecommunications systems.
In summary, the research provides a comprehensive analysis of spread spectrum communication technology, demonstrating its importance in contemporary communication systems. Through simulation and modeling using MATLAB, the study offers valuable insights into the design and performance of spread spectrum communication systems, shedding light on the key principles and considerations in implementing such systems.
843 浏览量
148 浏览量
117 浏览量
2024-11-09 上传
2024-11-10 上传
2024-11-09 上传
2024-10-25 上传

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