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hapi.js in Action是一本深入解析hapi.js框架的实用指南,它为开发人员提供了一种高效且灵活的方法来构建Web应用程序,特别是针对Node.js平台。hapi.js的设计理念是配置为中心,允许开发者根据需求调整框架,同时确保其在业务逻辑编写方面的便捷性。 hapi.js的核心优势在于其插件系统和丰富的模块生态系统。框架鼓励模块化开发,这意味着许多常见的问题已经有了官方团队创建并经过严格测试的解决方案,确保了安全性和性能。这不仅节省了开发时间,也降低了潜在风险。例如,如果你需要构建一个RESTful API或作为单页应用(SPA)的服务器端组件,hapi.js都能轻松胜任。 本书从1.1章开始,首先介绍了什么是hapi.js。它是由沃尔玛移动团队开发的一个开源框架,广泛应用于沃尔玛的移动应用和网站背后,但用户可能并未察觉到它的存在。hapi.js的主要应用场景是构建Web服务,尤其是JSON APIs,但它也能够用于创建HTTP代理,以及作为前端应用的后端支持。 通过使用hapi.js,开发人员可以专注于业务逻辑的编写,因为框架会自动处理一些基础设置和优化。无论你需要构建的是简单的API接口,还是复杂的服务网络,甚至是与客户端交互的服务器组件,hapi.js都能提供强大的支持和无缝的集成。hapi.js在简化HTTP协议相关的开发工作、提升开发效率和代码质量方面表现出色,是现代Web开发中的强大工具。
2017-02-20 上传
This book will introduce hapi.js and walk you through the creation of your first working application using the out-of-the-box features hapi.js provides. Packed with real-world problems and examples, this book introduces some of the basic concepts of hapi.js and Node.js and takes you through the typical journey you’ll face when developing an application. Starting with easier concepts such as routing requests, building APIs serving JSON, using templates to build websites and applications, and connecting databases, we then move on to more complex problems such as authentication, model validation, caching, and techniques for structuring your codebase to scale gracefully. You will also develop skills to ensure your application’s reliability through testing, code coverage, and logging. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with all the skills you need to build your first fully featured application. This book will be invaluable if you are investigating Node.js frameworks or planning on using hapi.js in your next project. What you will learn Increase your productivity by taking advantage of the out-of-the-box features hapi.js provides Build secure API servers Create websites and applications using your favorite templating language Leverage hapi.js plugins to better structure your codebase Simplify your security workflows with the built-in authentication and authorization functionality of hapi.js Ensure application reliability with testing and code coverage Reduce code complexity using reusable validation logic with joi Gather insight into your application performance via logging Start the journey to building robust production-ready applications