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Fingerprint recognition algorithm has been widely used in personal identity authentication due to the universality, uniqueness, and invariance of fingerprints. In this paper, three main processes are conducted for fingerprint image processing: image pre-processing, feature extraction, and feature matching. Image pre-processing includes four steps: image segmentation, filtering enhancement, binarization, and thinning, which eliminates redundant parts of the original image for easier recognition processing. Feature extraction focuses on extracting endpoints and bifurcations from the thinned fingerprint image. Feature matching compares the extracted features of two fingerprint images to determine if they are from the same finger. MATLAB programs for fingerprint image pre-processing, feature extraction, and feature matching are provided with the processing results, demonstrating that the algorithms implemented in MATLAB yield ideal results that meet the feasibility and applicability of identification. This study emphasizes the importance of segmentation, binarization, thinning, feature point extraction, and matching in fingerprint recognition algorithms implemented in MATLAB.
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