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收藏 541KB PPT 举报
The document "Algorithm and Program Design - Course Discussion PPT.ppt" is being recommended for selection. This document is associated with the course "Algorithm and Program Design" and it is a PowerPoint presentation that covers various topics related to algorithms and program design.
The presentation is divided into several chapters. The first chapter uncovers the mysterious aspect of solving problems with computers. The second chapter focuses on the basics of program design. The third chapter explores the concept of visual programming. The fourth chapter delves into the implementation of algorithms and programs. The fifth chapter is dedicated to object-oriented program design. The final chapter discusses the practical aspect of program design and provides an opportunity for hands-on experience.
The running results of the programs presented in the document must be correct and meet the required precision and other criteria. Additionally, the document includes instructions on how to call custom functions. For example, one can use the function named "variable = functionName (formal parameter list)" to search for a target string within a given string. The function returns the first position of the target string if it is found.
Furthermore, the document introduces the concept of event-driven programming. In this approach, specific program operations are executed when certain events occur in the application. This allows for a more interactive and dynamic program design.
In conclusion, the document "Algorithm and Program Design - Course Discussion PPT.ppt" is recommended for selection due to its comprehensive coverage of various important topics in algorithm and program design. It provides valuable insights and practical examples, making it a valuable resource for students and professionals in the field.
124 浏览量
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